You find that your recently widowed, 81 year old neighbor, Miss Betty, seems somewhat agitated and tense in the past couple of weeks

You find that your recently widowed, 81 year old neighbor, Miss Betty, seems somewhat agitated and tense in the past couple of weeks. She told you she is “having trouble making decisions and keeping up with her finances”. Also, that some days, she finds herself with “no energy” and just sits and watches television all day. She “seems lost without her husband.”

Discuss three ways the health care team could help Miss Betty get back on track with her life. Include why these measures would help and the expected outcomes of what Miss Betty would need to achieve with the listed interventions in one month, should she follow everything you taught her. Remember, you are a nurse by trade, but also Miss Betty’s friend. Sometimes, it can get more complicated being in these two roles at one time.

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