Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses? • How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes

Chapter 10: Issues of Quality and Safety
1. In the last century, what historical, social, political, and economic trends and issues have influenced today’s health-care system?
2. What is the purpose and process of evaluating the three aspects of health care: structure, process, and outcome?
3. How does technology improve patient outcomes and the health-care system?
4. How can you intervene to improve quality of care and safety within the health-care system and at the bedside?
2. Select one nonprofit organization or one government agencies that influences and advocates for quality improvement in the health-care system. Explore the Web site for your selected organization/agency and answer the following questions:
• What does the organization/agency do that supports the hallmarks of quality?
• What have been the results of their efforts for patients, facilities, the health-care delivery system, or the nursing profession?
• How has the organization/agency affected facilities where you are practicing and your own professional practice?
Week 9:
Read Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Promoting Healthy Work Environment
1. Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses?
• How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes?
2. What action is suggested when you are faced with an angry or hostile coworker?
3. Why is substance misuse among nurses a serious concern? What is the most appropriate way to handle a suspicion that a coworker may be involved in serious substance misuse?
4. What is the most common physical injury experienced by LPNs and nursing assistants? How can a nurse manager help staff avoid physical injury at work?
5. Describe several examples of sexual harassment in the workplace. Discuss methods of dealing with these instances.
6. Review the policies and procedures on the following safety issues in your current clinical rotation. Compare with other students in the class. What are the similarities and differences? What might this mean in terms of workplace safety?
• Latex allergies
• Needlestick injuries
• Violence
3. Go to the ANA website and explore the sections on workplace and patient safety under the heading “Professional Nursing Practice.”
• Which concepts discussed in these sections are particularly important to the beginning RN? Why?
4. Interview one of the staff nurses on your unit. Explore his or her feelings and concerns related to the following topics. Based on the comments, develop strategies to address the concerns.
• Substance abuse among nurses
• Emergency preparation
• Quality of work life within the organization
In this week I placed week 8 and week 9 together. Please used 3 reference sources for each week. I ordered 4 pages, please use 2 pages for week 8 and 2 pages for week 9. For the references please use 3 references for week 8 and 3 references for week 9, you can use the textbook of the class as one of the reference.
Please, I need zero plagiarism, this discussion questions will be submitted through a plagiarism check by the instructor. I will also upload the book of the class so it can be used to answer the questions and used as reference to write the paper.
The post Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses? • How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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