way in which television and film take visual argument a step further

English 1302 – Visual Argument (Television)
Consider what you have learned about Visual Argument thus far in the semester.  You have learned a bit about how arguments operate at the visual level, and in your Part I assignment, investigated the way in which television and film take visual argument a step further.  Use all of the knowledge you have gained to help you propose an argument about a television show.
Step One – Use the instruction sheet provided in the Essay #2 folder to complete the “Television Analysis” (Essay #2 Part I) assignment.  This assignment MUST be completed before you can turn in Essay #2, even if it is late and no longer worth points.
Step Two – Spend some time looking over your observations from the “Television Analysis”.  What did you notice about the types of messages this show is sending?  Try to brainstorm a list of possible arguments this show sends to its viewers.
Step Three – Brainstorm a list of your own arguments about this show.  Is it a good show? Bad show?  Does it accurately represent the groups it presents? (Example:  If it is a show about teens, does it make teens look like drunken partiers, or is it realistic?)  Should this show be aired only during certain hours?  Is it the best show of its type? (Example:  Best half hour comedy on TV, etc.)  Does this show accurately reflect American culture?
Step Four – Narrow your topic to choose the argument you would like to present in your paper.  Present the argument to Professor Key for approval (via the Discussion Board).
Step Five – Work to craft a strong thesis statement that expresses your overall argument.  List all of the reasons / points you have to support that argument.
Step Six – Support your thesis with credible points, using specific examples from the show.  You might use specific scenes and discuss technical elements, if necessary.  If you are comparing the show to others like it, you will need to discuss those shows as well, but only briefly.
Steps Five and Six will combine to help you have a strong first draft of Essay #2.  You need to have this draft available for Peer Review according to the schedule for your class section.
Your job in the essay is to make a claim and then support it with evidence from the show.  Persuade a reader to believe in your argument.  Don’t forget that counter argument will be an important way to show readers that you understand all sides of the issue, but still feel that your side of the argument is the correct one.
As this is a scholarly endeavor, you will write in third person, academic English.  This means that you will NOT use “I” or “you” in the essay at all, unless quoting.  You should also avoid using contractions and adhere to proper MLA format, including the use of a Works Cited page.  The essay should be at least 2 FULL pages in length, not including the Works Cited page.
The post way in which television and film take visual argument a step further ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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