Video Debate on current health care strategy for people living with chronic illness

Task details & instructions
Assessment Task 3: Video Debate on current health care strategy for people living with chronic illness
Weight:                                   Total 60% (Video 45%, Individual evaluation 15%)
Time and word limits:           
 Part A: Video Debate: 10 – 15 minutes in total (students work in pairs)
Part B: Individual evaluation: 500-750 words
Video: This assessment is in the form of a video submission of a debate on a topic that students in pairs can choose themselves from a group of topics that will be given. These topics are listed below.
A debate is a method of formally presenting an argument in a disciplined manner. One student will take the affirmative side of the debate, and the other person will take the negative side. Each person will need to not only display evidence that supports their own side of the debate, they will also need to prepare evidence that rebuts the opposing side of the debate. You can shoose the order of speaking. For example; some people may decide to present in two halves, with each person completing their part in full, OR other pairs may decide to take turns back and forth until complete. This presentation must be videotaped and submittted. There are a number of topics/issues provided that can be clearly and critical analysed and argued. You will choose ONE topic per pair and present both sides of an argument (one side per person ensuring both sides of the argument are presented) from the topics listed below. Arguments must be supported by references.
My topic is: Voluntary Assisted Dying should be extended to other states in Australia for individuals suffering from chronic illness
There should be one AFFIRMATIVE Speaker and One NEGATIVE speaker. Affirmative speaker will be the OPENING speaker and say his points. Negative speaker will be the CLOSING speaker.
Timing of video: No longer than 15minutes. Approx 2mins each for introduction and conclusion and 5mins per speaker for each side of the argument i.e. 5 mins for affirmative argument and 5 mins for neagative argument.
Individual Evaluation: Working in partnerships with another can be rewarding, it helps to halve the workload involved and offers insight into how others approach their work. When seeing another’s view of the world valuable learningthat opens you as an individual to different ways of thinking can occur. On the other hand, challenges can arise and compromises need to be made when others have opposing and different views to your. Please remember that at all times in your evaluation you must demonstrate respect for your partner.
Guidelines for individual evaluation task:

A descritption of the process you undertook: division of tasks, collaboration, etc.
What worked well
Any challenges you encountered and how you overcame them
What you have learnt from this exercise
Don’t forget to include a brief introducation and a conclusion

The individual evaluation must be submitted as a word document.
Reference List must be submitted as a word document in APA 6th Edition format. A minimum of 10 references used to support arguments.
This task has several steps that students must complete:
Step 1: Self-selection of a Debate Pair and Topic Selection
Step 2: After selecting your Debate Pair and Topic, each student submits a contract about working as a small group
Step 3: Students work together in pairs to create a debate on a topic that students select when determining their pairs, record the session as a video (or two videos) and upload to Moodle using Kaltura. These debate videos will be available for viewing by your peers.
Step 4: Students submit an individual evaluation. Working on your own, you are required to write a critical evaluation of working with a colleague in developing the debate.

Step 1 – Forming a Group/Pair

Assessment Task 3 / Step 1: Form a Group / Select a Topic
For assignment 3, part a, students are required to work in pairs and submit a video debate. Students are required to form pairs within their campus of enrollment by Tuesday August 6th at 10:00 hrs (week 2). Students not enrolled in a group by that time will not be able to do this individually, they will need to be allocated to a group by the course coordinators.  If you have not selected a group by the end of week 2, please contact your course coordinator.
Groups are set up for students to select into. The group titles also reflect the topic that each pair will undertake so by choosing a topic you are also joining a group.  There are four topics to choose from.

The topic options for your group presentations are:

Topic A: Voluntary Assisted Dying should be extended to other states in Australia for individuals suffering from chronic illness.
Topic B:  Medical Marijuana – The medical ust of marijuana should be repealed in Australia for individuals suffering from a chronic illness.
Topic C: Complementary Therapies – complementary therapies have no place in the management of Chronic Illness in Australia.
Topic D: Advanced Care Directives are an essential in contemporary management of chroinc illness.

3. Step 3 – create a video debate
a. Video Debate Presentation Task Details
You should self select into pairs for the video debate assessment task.  Please read your assessment task instructions carefully to ensure you understand the topic content required for the video presentation.
In pairs you are required to produce a video presentation with a total duration run time of 10-15 minutes.
It is recommended that you divide and share the workload evenly. You may choose to present one video, or if you are unable to film together or edit your video you may produce your CBE session in two parts – however, there must be some continuity between the two videos, the two parts must make a cohesive whole.
Please ensure that the combined parts of the video presentation do not exceed the 15 minute total duration limit.
Students working on the task will be allocated the same marks as each other. Each student should be able to demonstrate to the course coordinator that you have participated equally in the task.
Time to further develop or record this education session will be made available during the week 7 ALS sessions for standard students, or at another time by negotiation.
b. Video production tools and support
Students are provided with a free video production, sharing and publication tool (Kaltura) that integrates directly with FedUni Moodle to support the creation and submission of your video debate presentations.
You will need to ensure that you understand how to access and use the Kaltura video capture app/tool by carefully reading this Kaltura Support Guide.
For this task you are asked to submit your video presentations to a Moodle database tool so you will need to pay particular attention to the submission instructions around how to embed videos in the text editor in Chapter 3 of the Kaltura support guide.
c. Video Debate Presentation Submission Process
You will need to:

Complete the Video Debate Presentation – Academic Integrity Declaration statement in order to access the Video Presentation Database.
All student pairs will contribute their completed video presentations to the Video Debate Presentation Database – you will need to carefully read the text editor submission instructions in the Kaltura Support Guide to ensure you know how to add your submission to the database.  You may produce your video presentations either in a single video clip by getting together and recording simultaneously with a single device OR you may divide the presentation equally and produce two separate but cohesive clips for submission.  (The approach you decide will be up to you).  The video submissions will be reviewed by your Lecturers for approval prior to publication in the database tool for your fellow class members to view.
A separate reference list should also be submitted as a Word document to the Video debate reference list dropbox.  The dropbox will be where your grades and feedback for this task will be hosted when these are available.
You also need to submit an individual evaluation for the process to the Individual evaluation dropbox.

Please note:  Sharing the video debate presentations with the rest of your classmates will help to build your community of practice for this course.
4. Individual evaluation
Individual evaluation (15%)
Working in partnership with another can be rewarding, it helps to halve the workload involved and offers insight into how others approach their work. When seeing another’s view of the world valuable learning that opens you as an individual to different ways of thinking can occur. On the other hand, challenges can arise and compromises need to be made when others have opposing and different views to yours. Please remember that at all times in your evaluation you must demonstrate respect for your partner.
Guidelines for evaluating the task:

A description of the process you undertook: division of tasks, collaboration, etc
What worked well
Any challenges you encountered and how you overcame them
What you have learnt from this exercise
Don’t forget to include a brief introduction and a conclusion.
3-5 References

Submission details: The evaluation is to be presented as a word document only and submitted via the Individual evaluation link on Moodle. The Individual evaluation academic integrity declaration link must be agreed to before the link will become available.

Useful information

Marking guide
Access the marking guide for each part from the details of each task.
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