Training Program & Report – Gender Related

Since the instructions for the final project are standardized and provided by the department, I thought you might appreciate some pointers and key areas of focus to help you navigate this project! Use this in conjunction with your syllabus instructions, which contain detailed content instructions. 
Read the syllabus instructions VERY carefully, pay attention to the requirements embedded in the sentences. In fact, I would construct each heading and subheading (YES, use APA formatted subheadings) according to the required areas listed in your instructions. Here are some formatting directions for subheadings and a rough example for organization of your project with subheadings.
APA Headings Level Formatting Guidelines:
1 Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase
2 Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading
3 Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.
4 Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period .
5 Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.
1st page is the TITLE PAGE with Running head- refer to APA guidelines
See how I used proper capitalization for my running head?
2nd page and remaining pages… The body of your project training program and report. Look up APA formatting: double space entire body, font 12-Times New Roman, 1” margins all sides. Make sure you use proper APA citations in the text (McCarty, 2016) and that those resources are listed on the reference page, including the journal and website citations that you chose.
Introduction and Identification of Problems (1st level)
Participant Name and Problem #1
(You will do this 12 times) (2nd level subheading, left justified, paragraph begins
next line after heading-double space. I will not double space the rest of this example to save space, but don’t forget to do it! Make sure you check your settings to be a true double space-nothing less and nothing more)
Training Program: Session One  (8 of these)
Session One Title (2nd level)
Gender and Hostility in the Workplace
Objectives (2nd level)
The goal of this course is to
· define gender,
· define hostility,
· identify areas of hostility…(You can use bullets and or level three subheadings to list/organize).
Problem (2nd level)
State the participants problem(s) you will address with this session
Journal articles and websites  
Journal. List one or more peer review (ACADEMIC) article(s) that is relevant to the issue/problem using an APA formatted reference.
Website. List one website that is relevant to the issue/problem and put into APA formatted reference.
Create and describe an activity that will promote discussion and understanding among the participants.
Activity breakdown. (3rd level subheading). Start text after period. You might want to use this 3rd level subheading to add organization or clarity to any of the previous subheadings.
Session Two (Centered, bold)
Session Two Title
Journal Articles/Websites
…… continue to do this for the 8 sessions.
Final Training Report (see syllabus for guidelines for content)
Gender Differences
Gender Expectations
Benefits of This Training Course
Recommendations for Change (4 -6 of them) 
Recommendation one. Your text begins after period
Recommendation two. …..
Your last page of the report is your Reference page, and it only contains references. APA formatted. Pay attention to exact format and hanging indent (2nd line is indented). Double space each line! The title “References” will be at the top of the page.
McCarty, C. C. (2016). How to write a final project using the craziest formatting ever.
The Journal of Making it Easier on the Student , 10, 9-20.
Stuck, R.U. (2000). APA formatting takes tons of practice: So do it. Washington, DC:
American Fake Publishing Company.
Continue in same formatting….
Your report must be in report format, APA formatting

Your ENTIRE project submission must be in APA format, including title page (pay attention to that Running head), Subheadings, paragraph formatting (double space- margins etc.), In-text citations, and Reference page. DO NOT use those programs that allow you to put in the information and it automatically formats it for you. They almost always make mistakes, and you will benefit from learning the “how to.” I promise. If you plan on writing papers in APA format in the future.. you will thank me later for pushing you to learn the rules and practice…practice…practice.

If you are not familiar with APA formatting, or even if you are and would like a good reference, my favorite APA site is Purdue Owl. Here is the link: 

Purdue OWL APA or
I would bookmark it; you will refer to it often. The site also has a sample paper, which is always nice to reference to help make the “rules” clear
The post Training Program & Report – Gender Related ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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