Respond to two colleagues

Due Friday, May 8th by 8 pm Central Standard Time

Respond to two colleagues

Colleague Marla Attached Document

Colleague Tsipporah Attached Document

Respond to at least two colleagues by offering critiques of their analyses. Identify strengths in their analyses and strategies for presenting evaluation results to others. Identify ways your colleagues might improve their presentations. Identify potential needs or questions of the audience that they may not have considered. Provide an additional strategy for overcoming the obstacles or challenges in communicating the content of the evaluation reports.

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Presenting the Results of the Evaluation

When presenting results of an evaluation to promote the use of a program, knowing that there is a need for that specific program among your target audience is a good strategy with which to begin. The presenter may first want to be sure the information applies to the audience. Background information that would be stressed as a key approach for this presentation among social work colleagues in our setting may be from a needs assessment perspective. The need for intervening competently with families who have at least one parent diagnosed with a mental illness would be the primary focus of presenting results from an evaluation of Keeping Families and Children in Mind study. “Children where a parent has a mental illness may be at twice the risk of developing a mental illness diagnosis compared to other children” (Reupert et al., 2011, p. 192). It would also be stressed that the Keeping Families and Children in Mind web-based training resource has demonstrated high participant satisfaction and positive results in knowledge, skill, and confidence when working with parents, children and families (Reupert et al., 2011).

This message says that we recognize the need among our colleagues to competently address the holistic needs of persons with mental illnesses, as well as their children and natural support persons. A strategy that might meet our colleagues’ interests and goals is to stress that the training is web-based (easily accessible and user-friendly); it has been identified as a quality production with comprehensive content and as a valuable resource for clinicians from a range of child and adult health care settings (studies show participants experience positive attitudinal, knowledge, and skill change); and the emphasis of the training is on holistic, realistic family interventions, and not just diagnostic and assessment information (Reupert et al., 2011). Colleagues may ask questions about when and where the trainings are available; costs of the trainings; and how the agency will accommodate their schedules to allow for time to complete the training. Reactions to the training by supervisors and agency managers would likely be supportive, since, “Social work administrators and supervisors should take reasonable steps to provide or arrange for continuing education and staff development for all staff for whom they are responsible. Continuing education and staff development should address current knowledge and emerging developments related social work practice and ethics” (National Association of Social Workers, 2020). Other social work colleagues would also likely respond positively to participating in the training, in order to build confidence and skills needed for providing competent interventions with individuals and families, since, “Social worker should work toward the maintenance and promotion of high standards of practice” (National Association of Social Workers, 2020). Any obstacles or challenges that present themselves regarding staff participating in the training would be overcome through collaboration and problem-solving strategies among stakeholders, so that all appropriate staff would receive the proper training needed.


National Association of Social Workers. (2020). Read the Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

Reupert, A., Foster, K., Maybery, D., Eddy, K., & Fudge, E. (2011). ‘Keeping families and children in mind’: An evaluation of a web-based workforce resource. Child & Family Social Work, 16(2), 192-200.

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Results of the Evaluation

The results of the evaluation of the School Success Program showed improvement in academics for children who were victims of maltreatment. This program recognized that there is a correlation between poor school performance of children who were maltreated. The School Success Program assists maltreated youth in school with tutoring and mentoring by certified teachers (Mallett, 2012). This program recognized that children who are maltreated have learning difficulties in school. Providing assistance to maltreated children with tutoring and mentoring increased their performance in school. “Program participants have shown one-year improvements that are significant when compared with those of their non maltreated peers: Basic reading and comprehension skills improved 58 percent; math reasoning and comprehension skills improved 50 percent; basic writing skills improved 48 percent; and overall academic skills improved 51 percent” (Mallett, 2012, p.13). These results were noted from both genders and with minorities, especially males.

Background Information and the Key Message

Background information that I would need to present to show that this program is successful and should be implemented elsewhere, is to show the results of identified maltreated children without intervention and to compare the results to maltreated children with interventions. I would show graphs and data to compare the results and the increased improvement of the interventions is significant. I could provide results of a single research study to show how the intervention improved academic performance which is significant. Also, using results of past research studies. Physical abuse and neglect have been shown to have negative results on school performance. Showing how the tutoring and mentoring program improved academic performance is significant.

Strategies to meet your Colleagues’ Interests and Goals

Strategies to meet my colleagues’ interests and goals would be to utilize surveys to learn about concerns that my colleagues may have about poor academic performance. If the goal is to reach this population early to produce better results in school performance, the program that is yielding strong results should be implemented.

Questions Colleagues Might Have and Possible Reactions

Questions colleagues might have about the program is how do we reach the intended population? How do we implement the program and maintaining the fidelity of the program that yields the intended results? What skills and trainings do the tutors and mentors need to possess. I would show that we will screen for poor academic progress and poor attendance to identify some. When we are aware that a children services agency is involved with certain children, they are enrolled automatically in the program. Ensure that tutors and mentors can be interns in education, working on their teaching degrees. I believe if their questions are answered during the presentation, colleagues will be willing to support the program.


Mallett, C. A. (2012). The school success program: Improving maltreated children’s academic and school-related outcomes. Children & Schools, 34(1), 13-26. doi:

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