reason for the modern day issues in policing and why the turnover rates are so high. Why its happening and how to fix it

A paper for Human Resource Management that dives into the reason for the modern day issues in policing and why the turnover rates are so high. Why its happening and how to fix it.
TERM PAPER (Instructions)
Students are required to identify then assess an issue (or concern) in human resources and then to provide a solution to solve that issue or concern. After you pick a topic, you must then describe the problem carefully and explain why this is an issue or concern in human resources. In addition, you must provide a background (or history) of the problem so that the reader understands what has been done regarding this issue or concern. Finally, the paper requires you to discuss an advantage and a disadvantage to the proposed solution and to indicate how to implement the solution to the issue or concern.
Instructions: Double spaced, Times New Roman size 12, and margins of 1” all sides of the paper. Your paper must be composed of scholarly works/professional sources only (minimum 5 references). Note that if you use the course textbook in your paper, then your paper would be at least 5 references excluding the course textbook. In addition, your paper must follow the APA style. Students are expected to understand and follow the APA formatting rules. Indeed, each paper will be evaluated for its formatting.
Your paper must include the sections below. Include the headings below, in this order.
Description of the issue or concern. This section must include: (1) Describe the problem; (2) Discuss thoroughly why this is an issue or concern in human resources (1 full page minimum).
History or Background. Discuss what has been done regarding the issue/concern you present in the 1st section of your paper (1 full page minimum).
Solution to the Problem. Identify then discuss a best solution to solve the issue/concern you described in the 1st section of your paper. First, provide the solution; then discuss it. Remember, this solution is from your own creativity; it is not a solution from books, articles, etc.) (3/4 page minimum).
Advantage/Disadvantage. Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage (in this order) to the solution you offered in the 3rd section of your paper. First, identify the advantage; then discuss it. Do the same with the disadvantage (1full page minimum).
Implementation. Suggest the steps to follow to successfully implement the solution that you identified in the 3rd section of this paper. Discuss these steps, thoroughly (1/2 page minimum).
Conclusion. Include a conclusion to your paper (1/2 page minimum).
The post reason for the modern day issues in policing and why the turnover rates are so high. Why its happening and how to fix it ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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