psychoanalytic literary criticism

write one well-developed paragraph that summarizes, synthesizes, and reflects on the source, using the outline below. Make sure that the paragraph contains specific information (not general observations that could apply to any source). Note that a single quote may be includedbut the quote must be no more than one (fully) typed line.
Write 2-3 sentences that summarize the sources main argument and claims; be specific when summarizing the text and include parenthetical citations when appropriate.
Write 2-3 sentences that discuss what evidence and examples the source uses to support its main focus/claims. Consider how effectively the author(s) presented her/his/their claims.  Keep in mind that your evaluation does not need to be only positive or negative; the source may be adept in certain areas, but not in others.
Write 2-3 sentences that reflect on how you might use the article/source in your researched essay. Consider what new information you learnedand how the source added to the ongoing conversation about your topic. It may be helpful to imagine the author as a participant in an online discussion on the poemwhat would she/he say?


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psychoanalytic literary criticism was first posted on July 2, 2020 at 5:25 am.
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psychoanalytic literary criticism was first posted on July 2, 2020 at 1:27 am.
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