psychiatric nursing Assignment

psychiatric nursing Assignment

psychiatric nursing Assignment

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2 Assessing and Treatment for Bipolar Disorder Patient Introduction Bipolar disorder is not an uncommon illness. It is a very chronic and severe mental disorder, affecting approximately 1-2% of the adult population. The signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder are different depending on the type of episode (i.e., manic or depressive). Each episode marks a critical change from the way a person usually acts and their typical mood, and can be characterized by a sudden change in the general attitude of the patient, the way the patient thinks and the behavior. 1 The changes will be sudden that it will be noticed by people around (Robert et al., 2017). This dangerous demonstrative unpredictability mood disorder can be found in all area of life, that is, from the poor to the rich, this disorder affects millions of people in all facets of life (Robert et al., 2017). Bipolar disorder can be seen mostly in the age starting at 25years or older, but it is not totally absent in the teenage age. It shows that about 2.6 percent of the population are diagnosed as bipolar. 3 (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017).

If not well treated ,Bipolar disorder can be critical; 1 early identification of symptoms with an appropriate treatment plan may include psychotherapy, medications, a healthy lifestyle and a regular schedule will keep the patient healthy (National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2017). 1 The NP should have a good understand of this disorder to be able to take care of this the patient because of its long-term management and how it affects the health in totality (National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2017). 1 My focus of this paper will look into an Asian American Woman with a bipolar disorder, symptoms management, diagnosing the symptom, and the complete treatment. The paper will consider the most safe and appropriate options of treatment and the outcome as the treatment, and care.

Decision Selected My patient is an Asian American woman age 39 years with 4 children and 3 ground children. The husband notices that sometimes she will be singing loud to the top of her voice and dancing not to the music she sang. In another time she will just fill like not doing anything and nothing will interest her, and she will lay on the bed for hours without going to the business she spent her years building and love so much.Patient is withdrawn and non-interactive. 4 She is diagnosed Bipolar disorder.

1 Decision # 1 Reason Selected My best treatment of choice for this disorder will be to begin Risperdal 2 mg orally twice a day. Risperdal is the best choice to treat bipolar disorder. (Lee et al., 2011). Risperdal called risperidone is in the chemical class benzisoxazole derivatives which are antipsychotic. It is an effective medication for bipolar disorder (Lee et al., 2011). The reasons of choosing Risperdal is because it is used to treat schizophrenia and the risperidone works with the brain to stabilize the brain (Lee et al., 2011). Risperidone rebalances dopamine and serotonin to improve thinking, mood, and behavior. Risperidone belongs to a class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The drug is also used to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder and irritability (NAMI, 2017).

Expected Results We will need to have some subjective and objective changes. 1Patient should be able to verbalize changes within the first month of the treatment.

During the next visit with the patient after one month, she is expected to express changes in the clarity of her brain. The freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity because of the medicine will help her to balance certain natural substances in her brain.She should also notice a change in her ability to concentrate on her activities (Lee et al., 2011). No side effects.

Differences between Expected outcome and Actual outcome Patient came back after a month (4 WEEKS) and report that she experiences some improvement in the symptom including some improvement with concentration. My patient reported some drowsiness. 1 Drowsiness is one of the side effect of high dose of Risperdal. The genetic testing, reveals that she is positive for CYP2D6. Asians are more likely to have decreased CYP2D6 activity compared to Caucasians (Lee et al., 2011). I will reduce the dosage of this medication. 1 A positive outcome should be that there was a little bit of improvement in symptoms, patient able to sleep, more concentration. Patient and family report drowsiness during the day time which is one the side effect of high dose Risperdal.

Decision Point Two Reason Selected The next best option is not to discontinue Risperdal, but to lower dose to Risperdal 1 mg orally at hours of sleep (HS) since expected outcome was not achieved based on decision one. My patient and , her family reported that patient has been drowsy during the day because of Risperdal 2mg. I will continue on Risperdal because the patient confirm improvement on the symptoms and the side effect observed was a regular adverse reaction because of her descendant background (American Psychiatric Association, 2017). The reduction to Risperdal 1mg BID to Risperdal 1 mg will be closely monitor.

Expected Results Risperdal 1mg orally at bedtime is a reduced dosage from the 2mg which is expected to eliminate the drowsiness and toxicity in the patient Stahl, (2013).The patient is expected to continue to have decrease in the bipolar symptom. The effect of the medication should be observable and notice by the family member as a testimony (American Psychiatric Association, 2017).

Differences between Expected outcome and Actual outcome During the patient four weeks follow up examination shows that the bipolar disorder symptom dissipated to noticeable level. This indicate a therapeutic effect of Risperdal 1mg at night brought about the therapeutic effect on the patient and patient is tolerating and adjusting to the medication in a positive way (Dean, 2017). The patient did not experience the drowsiness and there was no toxicity, therefore the expected result and the actual result were the same. Risperdal therapy will continue with this medication and the dosage, and a close monitoring will still be needed until the next four weeks appointment (Dean, 2017).

Decision Point Three Decision Selected Risperdal 1mg orally at HS will be continued Reason for Selection The decision to continue with the medication was because the desire result, and the actual result are in pari-passu. To change the current medication or tamper with the dosage may offset the patient and thereby destabilize the rate of her healing (Dean, 2017). The patient is still under assessment and close monitoring continue until the next appointment date.

Expected Results It is expected that the patient will increase in good mental stability and continue to maintain reduction in bipolar disorder symptom with the dosage of Risperdal 1mg at night (Robert et al., 2017). The patient is anticipated to having good sleep at night and well improve in her interaction with relatives and friends, with ability to concentrate on matters that concern her and carrier (Robert et al., 2017).

Differences between Expected outcome and Actual outcome The therapeutic decision is working in this patient in accordance to the expectation. The treatment agrees with the standard way of treatment of an Asian descendant, the starting procedural treatment for bipolar disorder to the maintaining of such patient that are been positive for CYP2D6.The side effect of drowsiness in the day and toxicity is agreement with Asian descent (Robert et al., 2017). The patient will have to be place on the same medication till the next visit for examination. The actual result is that the medication is achieving the therapeutic effect that is needed by the patient (Dean, 2017).

Ethical Considerations for Treatment plan Ethics demand that a patient should agree to treatment before it could be administering unto the patient. The law concerning patient’s preferences for treatment are overlook when the patient is in jeopardy of life threatening or severe psychiatric illness. Psychiatric advance directives are employing to make decision on the patient (Srivastava, 2011). When a practitioner treating a patient with bipolar is confronted with ethical conflicts of helping the patient to attain best result or their autonomy. The autonomy will be the choice of the practitioner (Srivastava, 2011). The law clearly stipulate that practitioners should always carefully consider what moral weight should be given to the values of doing well and avoiding harm (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2017).

2 Conclusion Psychiatric nurses should assess the function of the client not only during admission even during remission period and plan for rehabilitation services since functioning is a complex and demanding task. However, it is very important to bring back the client to his fullest possible level to normal life by planning effective psychoeducation about illness, communication training and teaching problem solving skills to client and family. 1 Many drugs are available for the treatment of bipolar disorder, but the professional will have to carefully select a medication that will be the best treatment for the patient. It is worth knowing that genetics influences the absorption of drugs, metabolism, excretion, and distribution. In the case study the Asian woman with positive CYP2D6 will exhibit a certain side effect which will not be in a patient with negative CYP2D6 (Dean, 2017). Therefore, the dosage and frequent of dispensing of drugs be based on the genetic testing (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017). The treatment of bipolar disorders in Asian descent must be handled carefully and in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration set guidelines (U.S. Food…

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