Pick a client that you worked with during clinical and describe what you did for that client (assessments and interventions)

Unit 6 Day 2 Assignment Final Evidence-based practice paper


Writing/Oral (Speaking) Assignment Explanation

This assignment is designed to help you to further analyze your care of the individual and apply best practice standards and use available evidence to assess or improve upon your nursing care in practice.  Please do not include any names (use initials only) in your paper or presentation.

Assignment Layout

Section 1

Pick a client that you worked with during clinical and describe what you did for that client (assessments and interventions).  If you were unable to do some of the cares but were aware of nursing and medical interventions that were in place please include these in this section also. It is ok to speak in the first person for this section of the paper.

Section 2

Write about your client’s primary or most pertinent pathophysiological process that affected their care using at least two scholarly resources.  (See additional page included with this explanation)

Section 3

Research best practice standards of nursing care for your client’s pathophysiological process or specific nursing needs/skills being performed.  Explain these standards of nursing practice and/or research sources that describe how to best provide care for your patient.  Areas covered should include expected assessment findings, nursing interventions, expected outcomes, and health promotion activities related to the specific condition or health need. Please use at least two scholarly resources to demonstrate where you obtained this information.

Written assignment guidelines

  1. Make use of the Cinahl and LIRN databases to obtain information for this paper. If you have problems containing a full article, not just an abstract, work with the online librarian to obtain the article you need.  Make sure you don’t wait until the last minute for this or it may not be possible to obtain it.
  2. Use APA formatting for this paper. Numerous APA style tip lists are available in the student writing center. The Purdue Owl is an excellent resource online.
  3. This paper should be from 5-6 pages long, typed and double-spaced. The length does not include the title page or reference page.
  4. Overall the paper should include at least fourOnly 1 of these references may be a website or online resource.  Must have at least 2 references that are obtained from journal articles.


NM322 Final Paper Rubric

NM322 Final Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
5.0 pts

Level 5

Paper meets the required 5-10 pages length with appropriate content

3.0 pts

Level 4

Presentation is lacking the required presentation length with appropriate content

2.0 pts

Level 3

Presentation is lacking required presentation length and missing appropriate content

0.0 pts

Level 0

Presentation does not meet the proficient level.

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

NM322-CO1; NM322-CO3; NM322-CO4;NM322-CO5

75.0 pts

Level 5

All required areas of the assignment are addressed through presentation content and is accurate.

65.0 pts

Level 4

1 required areas of the assignment are not addressed through presentation content

55.0 pts

Level 3

2 required areas of the assignment are not addressed through presentation content

45.0 pts

Level 0

More than 2 required areas of the assignment are not addressed. Presentation does not meet the proficient level.

75.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSequence
5.0 pts

Level 5

All Information is organized in a clear, logical way.

3.0 pts

Level 4

Most Information is organized in a clear, logical way.

2.0 pts

Level 3

Information is not logically sequenced. An occasional slide or item of information seems out of place

0.0 pts

Level 0

Presentation does not meet the proficient level.

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeText and Creativity
5.0 pts

Level 5

Text formats (color, size, and type) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and is creative.

3.0 pts

Level 4

Text formats (color, size, and type) have been planned to match the content, but there is 1-2 areas that are difficult to read or lacking creativity.

2.0 pts

Level 3

Text formats (color, size, and type) have been planned to match the content, but there is 3 or more areas that are difficult to read and lacking creativity.

0.0 pts

Level 0

Presentation does not meet the proficient level.

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar
5.0 pts

Level 5

Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.

3.0 pts

Level 4

Presentation contains 3-4 misspellings, but no grammatical errors.

2.0 pts

Level 3

Presentation contains 3-4 misspellings, and 1-2 grammatical errors.

0.0 pts

Level 0

Presentation does not meet the proficient level.

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and APA formatting


5.0 pts

Level 5

References present and in correct APA format

3.0 pts

Level 4

References present, but contain 1-2 deviations from correct APA format

2.0 pts

Level 3

References present, but contain a 2 or more deviations from correct APA format

0.0 pts

Level 0

References not present or present, but contain a 3 or more deviations from correct APA format

5.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
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