Persuasive Speech: Embrace Healthy Diets to avoid Chronic Lifestyle

SLO #1: Upon completion, the successful student will prepare and deliver a well-paced 5-8-minute persuasive speech with appropriate eye contact and volume and 2-4 credible sources. SLO #2: Locate appropriate sources and cite them correctly in a speech. Instructions In this speech, you will be writing and delivering a 5–6-minute persuasive speech using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence to persuade your audience to act differently. Your task is to choose a persuasive topic (based on an action), do your own research and construct an original speech. As with your other speeches, you should then rehearse your speech incorporating what you’ve learned about speech construction, delivery and style. Choose a topic you feel passionate about and one in which you have some basic (starting) knowledge. As always, keep your audience’s interests in mind. You must have three credible sources and cite them correctly in APA or MLA format in your outline. If you are unsure whether your sources are credible, please review course resources, such as lecture notes and the textbook. You should include between 3 credible sources. Organize your speech using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. For the main part of your outline (and the part you deliver for your speech) includes the steps in Monroe’s: Attention, Needs, Solution, Visualization, and Action steps. Be sure you use logical arguments using evidence from credible sources for your Needs Step and Solution Step in particular. The Visualization step should appeal more to emotions. Cite your sources in your outline and also orally in the presentation. Write your outline using full sentences and paying attention to the correct format. Lecture video of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence This assignment will require considerable research and skillful use of the methods of persuasion discussed in class and in the textbook. Audience analysis will be particularly important. Use the results of previous audience analysis surveys to help you adapt your persuasive message to your target audience.
The post Persuasive Speech: Embrace Healthy Diets to avoid Chronic Lifestyle ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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