Mimi George attends college for two years and then decides to join the military

Case Study
Mimi George attends college for two years and then decides to join the military. Most new recruits start in the Navy as a seaman recruit but Mimi graduates boot camp as a seaman, two ranks higher, because of her previous college experience. She attends her chosen “A” School to learn how to become an Electronic Warfare Technician and graduates 2nd in her class. She chooses to serve on board the USS Ashland stationed out of Norfolk, Virginia.
After reporting for duty on board the USS Ashland Seaman George, 21, gets along well with her division. As the Ashland is a newly integrated ship her entire division is male and of the individuals assigned to the ship there are 270 male sailors, 900 male marines and 30 female sailors. She works hard to integrate into her department, studying the different equipment and learning everything she can to make herself more knowledgeable and useful. She finds a particular interest in the NIXIE which is a torpedo deterrent on board the ship. She spends a great deal of time cleaning up the compartment that it was housed in and learning everything she can about NIXIE. She lives on board the ship since it is expensive to live in town but tries to make friends with the division and fit it with the remainder of the team.
Four months after Seaman George was stationed to the USS Ashland, Seaman Recruit Matt Wilder, 18, was assigned to the USS Ashland as well. He had recently graduated boot camp and “A” school and graduated in the middle of his class. Immediately following his arrival onboard, the USS Ashland, the First Class Petty Officer in charge of the division invited Seaman Recruit Wilder to be his roommate to help him save money and to allow Matt to be able to live off the ship and a cheaper rate. He spends much of his time hanging out with the guys and getting to know everyone.
Approximately a month after his arrival Matt disappears for a few days so Seaman George asks where he is and is told by their First Class Petty Officer that due to Matt’s outstanding abilities and aptitude that he has shown since his arrival on board the USS Ashland he has been sent to NIXIE school and will be in charge of running NIXIE upon his return for the remainder of his stay on the USS Ashland. All the team is excited for this opportunity for Matt except Miriam who feels she was left out.
Mimi Georges problem can be categorized into the Integrated Threat Theory, and the personal threat category. “A personal threat or self-directed threat can be defined as the way that a person views his or her personal identity is in jeopardy or resources are being decreased.” (PSU WC L.8, 2017, P.2) Mimi George has already graduated from her A school, made a valid attempt to learn as much as possible about the NIXIE equipment, and makes attempts to be friends with the other individuals in her division. The threat stems from Mimi feeling left out after graduating higher in her class than Matt, and putting forward a lot of effort into learning about the NIXIE system.
After spending so much time on the boat and learning about the system she feels that her identity as a subject matter specialist with NIXIE is being threatened. Also the resource of going to the NIXIE school has been diminished since Matt has already gone and there will not be a need for her to go once he returns. Mimi may also be feeling unwanted and neglected by her peers. She is forced to live on the boat due to the cost of living which inhibits her ability to spend off time with coworkers. While Matt was offered the opportunity to live with the head of the division to save money, which leads to more opportunities for him to have a personal relationship with others in the division.
This perceived threat felt by Mimi may have a negative affect on her attitude and behavior while at work now.
The post Mimi George attends college for two years and then decides to join the military ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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