Identify and describe the business issue – you select the business issue you want to write about 2. Take a position: right or wrong, good or bad,

Position Paper (100 points)
What is a position paper?
A position paper is not an essay (an essay has an introduction, a body, and a summary). A position paper is a paper written about an issue or an incident pertaining to business; issue(s) that may keep managers awake at night. It can be about something that happened at work, something you read about in the newspaper or in the textbook. It is best to pick a topic that is controversial, because it’s easier to show both sides of a controversial topic.
You choose the topic. Examples might be: morale and employee turnover; effects of globalization or offshore outsourcing; labor scheduling and the union contract; employer loyalty to the employee – where did it go? Make sure it is a business issue. Take a stand and defend your position.
A position paper is made of five sections:
1. Identify and describe the business issue – you select the business issue you want to write about
2. Take a position: right or wrong, good or bad, …etc.
3. Defend your position (why do you take that position?)
4. Describe the opposing view (why would someone disagree with your position?)
5. Summary
Clearly mark your sections as you construct your position paper: Business Issue, Your Position, Defense of Position, Opposing View and Summary. This ensures that your paper is well structured. Think of this paper as a report that you may turn in to your manager or supervisor on the topic that you have chosen.
How long is a position paper?
(2-3 pages)
12pt. Font
Double space
Attach your paper as a word .doc, to Position Paper in Assignments
The post Identify and describe the business issue – you select the business issue you want to write about 2. Take a position: right or wrong, good or bad, ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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