Finance Research Project

(MAXIMUM length: 1 page writing single-spaced, 1 page of charts/graphs)
This goal for this part of the project is to analyze a public firm from a financial perspective and give some insights on the financial health of the firm. Choose any public company (i.e. trades on a stock market) and look up their financial statement ratios. Look up their competitors.  Pretend that I am an uninformed investor that currently owns 10,000 shares of the company you choose.  Give me a very brief
overview of what the firm does. Then, perform an analysis to give a recommendation to me, the investor, on whether I should buy more shares of this firm or sell the shares I currently own based on
your analysis. I expect to see rational, and coherent, arguments as to why this firm is “good” or “bad”; meaning you should be explaining the importance of the ratios and what they mean.  Utilize
financial statement ratios over time for the firm, the competitors, and any other relevant information you see fit.
(4 ratios; 4 competing firms).
Tips:    Google Finance to find company and competitors
Morningstar to find ratios

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