Evaluate how a leader can develop their emotional intelligence and analyse the role of emotional intelligence in driving innovation and change in an organisation from a leadership perspective

1). Do, critical analysis of the following question:
Emotional intelligence is a concept now widely associated
with effective leadership (Northouse, 2015). Evaluate how a
leader can develop their emotional intelligence and analyse
the role of emotional intelligence in driving innovation and
change in an organisation from a leadership perspective.
2) the above question should cover the follwoing questions:
– Define the concepts of emotional intelligence and change management.
– How do you recognise develop emotional intelligence among leaders?
– How do you develop emotional intelligence?
– How does emotional intelligence apply to innovation and change?
3) the essay structure should be in the following form:
– Introduction
– Concepts – define the concept of emotional intelligence: what is it, why
is it a useful characteristic for a leader to develop?
– Development of emotional intelligence
– Emotional intelligence applied – how?
– Impact of emotional intelligence on innovation
– Emotional intelligence and change
How does emotional intelligence inspire change in the workplace?
– Conclusion – what do you conclude from your analysis of emotional
4) please strictly refer the following references:
-Hernandez, Eberly, Avolio, Johnson (2011) The loci and mechanisms of
leadership: Exploring a more comprehensive view of leadership theory
-Booker, Turbutt, Fox (2016) Model of care for a changing healthcare
system: Are there foundational pillars for design
– Cherkowski and Walker (2014) Flourishing communities: e-storying
educational leadership using a positive research lens
– Du Plessis (2017) Leadership Chapter in the Nel text
5) please kindly include the relevant examples while doing critical analysis and be more focused on the question how??
6) stricly follow the marking rubric for assessment 3 which is at the last page of the uploaded file
The post Evaluate how a leader can develop their emotional intelligence and analyse the role of emotional intelligence in driving innovation and change in an organisation from a leadership perspective ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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