Discuss how we’ve seen the theme of Pride and Fall (explained in week 1) continuously pop up across different historical eras, figures, and readings using Doctor Faustus or Frankenstein and at least two other assigned readings. What does this theme tell us about STS in early modern Europe

Choose one of the following essay prompts to answer in a four- to six-page essay:
Discuss how we’ve seen the theme of Pride and Fall (explained in week 1) continuously pop up across different historical eras, figures, and readings using Doctor Faustus or Frankenstein and at least two other assigned readings. What does this theme tell us about STS in early modern Europe? How can it help us understand our world today?
Many of the assigned authors used observation to understand man, the natural world, politics, society, and changes wrought by modernity. Using Doctor Faustus or Frankenstein and at least two other assigned readings, analyze the observations the authors made by selecting a single theme that ties the three authors together. Considering their sources (or lack thereof), assumptions, omissions, and/or conclusions, what do their observations tell us about STS in early modern Europe? In what ways can we use their observations to understand our world today?
The Information Revolution lecture concluded with a discussion of the ways that the information is powerful. It argued that information begets innovations and drives societal change and progress, and it claimed that the supply of information can never satisfy the demand. Decide whether you agree or disagree with these claims and argue your case using either Doctor Faustus or Frankenstein and at least two other assigned works from weeks 1–7 to support your claims.
Your essay must adhere to the following requirements:
Either Doctor Faustus or Frankenstein must be one of your sources (you may use both, if you’d like). If one of these texts is not used, your overall score for the essay will be dropped two full letter grades (for example, if you score an A grade on the paper and do not use one of these texts as a source, your grade will drop to a C).
The post Discuss how we’ve seen the theme of Pride and Fall (explained in week 1) continuously pop up across different historical eras, figures, and readings using Doctor Faustus or Frankenstein and at least two other assigned readings. What does this theme tell us about STS in early modern Europe ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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The post Discuss how we’ve seen the theme of Pride and Fall (explained in week 1) continuously pop up across different historical eras, figures, and readings using Doctor Faustus or Frankenstein and at least two other assigned readings. What does this theme tell us about STS in early modern Europe appeared first on First Class Essay Writers.

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