counseling theories

reality therapy and choice theory

. His person- or child-centered (in this chapter also called “student-centered”)

Candidates are asked to write a research paper based on 3 identified counseling theories of their choice. This paper must encompass a comprehensive literature review of the chosen theories and be written in a way that compares and contrasts such theories. For each counseling theory, the candidate must clearly outline research that supports whether or not each counseling approach is evidence-based. The paper must follow APA style, 6th edition, and must include a title page, abstract, and reference list. It should include a comprehensive review of the literature published in journals or books (at least 10 recent references dated 2005 or earlier, no websites, ERIC citations, or newspaper articles). See detailed rubric at end of syllabus for more information. Assignment due on XXX

A rubric for this assignment can be found at the end of the syllabus. Students must receive at least a 70% to receive a passing grade. A student who scores less than 70% of the grade on the assignment must complete an Individual Remediation Plan with the instructor. Failure to successfully remediate the assignment will result in a F (Fail) grade in the course.

Required Research Paper Rubric (Aligns with LiveText/do not change)

The “Counseling Theories Research Paper” assignment fulfills: · FPEC 1.1, 1.8, 2.1

Element Not Met Met Exceeded

Literature Review


7 points Candidate did not provide recent and sufficient number of sources and sources relevant to the content of the assignment. Candidate provided recent and sufficient number of sources and sources relevant to the content of the assignment. Candidate provided recent and sufficient number of sources and sources relevant to the content of the assignment. The number and relevance of references exceeded the minimum requirement (10).


Research (1.8, 2.1)

5 points Candidate did not provide evidence-based research in the paper regarding all 3 counseling theories. Candidate provided evidence-based research in the paper regarding all 3 counseling theories. The write-up of the evidence-based research was thorough for all three theories. Candidate provided evidence-based research in the paper regarding all 3 counseling theories. The write-up of the evidence-based research was thorough for all three theories. The candidate clearly presented the types of populations that would benefit from the three counseling approaches (based on the research).

Compare and Contrast

5 points Candidate did not adequately compare and contrast the chosen counseling theories. Candidate adequately described, compared, and contrasted the chosen counseling theories. Candidate adequately described, compared, and contrasted the chosen counseling theories. Description of theories was well developed. Critical thought was apparent through the candidate’s

comparison and contrast of the theories.

APA Style

3 points Candidate’s paper did not follow APA style of writing in the areas of grammar, punctuation, design, and reference list. Candidate’s paper followed APA style of writing in the areas of grammar, punctuation, design, and reference list. A few minor errors were found. Candidate’s paper followed APA style of writing in the areas of grammar, punctuation, design, and reference list.


/20 points*

* All students must pass the assignment having ‘Met’ or ‘Exceeded’ each element. Any ‘Not Met’ element requires instructor remediation prior to the end of the course to achieve a passing grade for t
this activity is designed for you to explore the continuum of an addictive behavior of your choice.

Addictive behavior appears in stages. The earliest stage is non-use, which finally leads up to out-of-control dependence. The stages in between are important to identify, as it is much easier to correct an early-stage issue as opposed to a late-stage problem.

After reviewing the module readings and tasks, use the module notes as a reference and alcohol or substance abuse addiction as an example to identify the various levels of addiction.

You may choose to develop a time line identifying the stages or develop a written essay (no more than 500 words in Word format) to describe the escalation of addictive behaviors.

You are to include at least two references from academic sources that you have researched on this topic in the Excelsior College Library and use appropriate citations in American Psychological Association (APA) style.

You cannot just do a Google search for the topic! Academic sources are required. You may use Google Scholar or other libraries.


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