Community Issue Paper

Community Issue Paper

Community Issue Paper

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Research a community issue of your choice in which advocacy efforts were executed.


Write a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper discussing the impact of the advocacy efforts in relation to the social and political climate.


Address the following:

  • Choose an issue in your community that was affected by the social and political climate.
  • Examples include childhood obesity, food deserts, Radon exposure, school performance, truancy, addiction, and legalization of drugs.
  • Describe how the social and political climate regarding that issue has changed in the last 10 years.
  • Describe how advocacy efforts have influenced current attitudes and policies.
  • Identify the stakeholders and their roles in the advocacy process.
  • Discuss how advocacy efforts have evolved and changed based on an understanding of the interaction of human systems.

Cite at least two peer-reviewed sources.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


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Research a community issue of your choice in which advocacy efforts were executed.


Write a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper discussing the impact of the advocacy efforts in relation to the social and political climate.


Address the following:

  • Choose an issue in your community that was affected by the social and political climate.
  • Examples include childhood obesity, food deserts, Radon exposure, school performance, truancy, addiction, and legalization of drugs.
  • Describe how the social and political climate regarding that issue has changed in the last 10 years.
  • Describe how advocacy efforts have influenced current attitudes and policies.
  • Identify the stakeholders and their roles in the advocacy process.
  • Discuss how advocacy efforts have evolved and changed based on an understanding of the interaction of human systems.

Cite at least two peer-reviewed sources.

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