Briefly describe Starbucks situations today and provide an analysis of the practices related to the items listed below (next slide) that have contributed to Starbuck’s successes and challenges

Case Study Paper
Students will be required to apply textbook and class concepts in a realistic manner by preparing a written case analysis. The case study is meant to provide students a means by which course concepts can be applied and ideas can be discussed.
Double-space, and number all pages
Set margins 1” all around
Use an easy-to-read type 12-point font (Calibri or Times New Roman)
Business information is best conveyed in a crisp manner that only contains important background, analysis and conclusions; therefore, the papers should be no less than 4 complete pages and no more than 6 pages (page counts exclude cover sheets, charts, and the reference page). Begin each topic, including the introduction and the conclusion, with a heading.
Maintain a business style but retain academic attributes that convey your knowledge and its reputable sources (e.g., clear and specific application of course concepts, proper citation of references, presence of scholarly references).
Your references page is in addition to the page minimum and maximums.
Professional writing is the ability to express oneself both articulately and accurately using the written word. Today’s business environments demand that reports and papers be accurate, make a thoughtful and defendable point supported by evidence, and contain a direction or an actionable conclusion.
Starbucks – The largest coffee chain in the world.
Corporate profile:
Briefly describe Starbucks situations today and provide an analysis of the practices related to the items listed below (next slide) that have contributed to Starbuck’s successes and challenges.
In your analysis, discuss why Starbucks is more successful than its competitors, the challenges / threats Starbucks faces, and how is it prepared to meet those challenges. (SWOT)
The paper must contain and actionable conclusion or direction.
Your paper must include an analysis of the subjects listed below:
Introduction (one or two paragraphs)
Social Responsibility (Chapter 4)
Organizational Strategy (Chapter 6)
Managing Information (Chapter 17)
Conclusion (one or two paragraphs) (i.e., what would you recommend to Starbucks based upon your analysis)
The post Briefly describe Starbucks situations today and provide an analysis of the practices related to the items listed below (next slide) that have contributed to Starbuck’s successes and challenges ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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