Bob Marley and what kind of music he makes. Give a overview of what “Reggae” is. Early Life of Bob Marley, mention Albums, songs, lyrical meaning and personal life

Introduction: Introduce Bob Marley and what kind of music he makes. Give a overview of what “Reggae” is. Early Life of Bob Marley, mention Albums, songs, lyrical meaning and personal life. Body paragraph 1: Talk mostly about the Meaning behind his songs and Lyrics regards to his most popular songs. What kind of influence and message he wanted to convey through his songs. (Mention at least 4 of his songs) (Quote his lyrics for examples) Body Paragraph 2: Talk about the early Life of Bob Marley, How he became the pioneer of Music genre Reggae. How was he raised as a kid, and who was his musical influences. What kind of political drama revolved around his music. Body Paragraph 3: Talk about his Albums. What were the meaning behind the albums? (Were they protest songs, or were they about having fun) What albums were successful and unsuccessful? What kind of musical stylistic techniques did he use in his song? (use musical terminology) Body paragraph 4: Same Topic as Body Paragraph 3: Talk more about his albums/Songs (make sure to quote his lyrics for examples) Body Paragraph 5: Talk about. the Music Techniques he uses in his songs such as Rhythm, melody, harmony and instruments. (Use Musical Terminology). Body Paragraph 6: Talk about his Death, and the legacy he left behind. Mention the impact he has made on the music industry and what people remember him for to this day. Conclusion: Outline the main points that you’ve discussed throughout the essay. This essay is worth 40%, Please read carefully. Thank you
The post Bob Marley and what kind of music he makes. Give a overview of what “Reggae” is. Early Life of Bob Marley, mention Albums, songs, lyrical meaning and personal life ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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