blood cell formation and function

blood cell formation and function

blood cell formation and function

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This week you learned about micro nutrients that participate in blood cell formation and function. Also, you learned that minerals are vital players in electrolyte and acid/base balance. This forum will build on that knowledge.

Initial Post:  250 words and posted by Wednesday 11:55 pm EST. You need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference. Your textbook is not an outside reference. Remember, there is no right or wrong.

Question: Claire runs cross country in college.  She knows she needs adequate carbohydrate to keep her body fueled.  Typically, her food intake consists of cheese sticks and a glass of orange juice for breakfast; a peanut butter sandwich, apple , bag of pretzels, and sweetened tea for lunch; spaghetti with marinara sauce, garlic, bread, salad, and a glass of milk for dinner; and an orange for her evening snack.  Lately, she is feeling tired and has to wear a sweatshirt in class to keep warm. She is also having trouble concentrating.  What do you think is causing Claire’s problem and why?  What would you recommend?

This week you learned about micro nutrients that participate in blood cell formation and function. Also, you learned that minerals are vital players in electrolyte and acid/base balance. This forum will build on that knowledge.

Initial Post:  250 words and posted by Wednesday 11:55 pm EST. You need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference. Your textbook is not an outside reference. Remember, there is no right or wrong.

Question: Claire runs cross country in college.  She knows she needs adequate carbohydrate to keep her body fueled.  Typically, her food intake consists of cheese sticks and a glass of orange juice for breakfast; a peanut butter sandwich, apple , bag of pretzels, and sweetened tea for lunch; spaghetti with marinara sauce, garlic, bread, salad, and a glass of milk for dinner; and an orange for her evening snack.  Lately, she is feeling tired and has to wear a sweatshirt in class to keep warm. She is also having trouble concentrating.  What do you think is causing Claire’s problem and why?  What would you recommend?

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