Attributed To Public Health Improvements

Attributed To Public Health Improvements

Attributed To Public Health Improvements

Question 11

  1. Which of the following are essential attributes of causes (choose all that apply)?
[removed] a. Time order
[removed] b. Environmental factors
[removed] c. Association
[removed] d. Direction

1.7 points

Question 12

  1. How much of the increase in U.S. life expectancy since the 20th century can be attributed to public health improvements?
[removed] a. 25%
[removed] b. 57%
[removed] c. 83%
[removed] d. 75%

1.7 points

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Question 13

  1. The purpose of disease surveillance is to monitor aspects of dsease occurrence that are pertinent to effective control.



1.6 points

Question 14

  1. John Snow used mortality data developed by William Farr to test a hypothesis that cholera was spread by contaminated water.



1.6 points

Question 15

  1. Which of the following innovations did The Streptomycin Tuberulosis Trial employ (choose all that apply)?
[removed] a. Consideration of the ethical issues involved
[removed] b. Randomization to treatment and control groups
[removed] c. Masking the investigators
[removed] d. Restrictions on eligibility of patients

Question 11

  1. Which of the following are essential attributes of causes (choose all that apply)?
[removed] a. Time order
[removed] b. Environmental factors
[removed] c. Association
[removed] d. Direction

1.7 points

Question 12

  1. How much of the increase in U.S. life expectancy since the 20th century can be attributed to public health improvements?
[removed] a. 25%
[removed] b. 57%
[removed] c. 83%
[removed] d. 75%

1.7 points

Question 13

  1. The purpose of disease surveillance is to monitor aspects of dsease occurrence that are pertinent to effective control.



1.6 points

Question 14

  1. John Snow used mortality data developed by William Farr to test a hypothesis that cholera was spread by contaminated water.



1.6 points

Question 15

  1. Which of the following innovations did The Streptomycin Tuberulosis Trial employ (choose all that apply)?
[removed] a. Consideration of the ethical issues involved
[removed] b. Randomization to treatment and control groups
[removed] c. Masking the investigators
[removed] d. Restrictions on eligibility of patients
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