Assignment: Therapeutic group classes

Assignment: Therapeutic group classes

Assignment: Therapeutic group classes

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Practice Quiz for Napsrx

How are drugs sorted into therapeutic group and classes?
First by the conditions that they are used to treat, and then by their mechanisms of action
First by their mechanisms of action, and then by their therapeutic effects
First by their side effects, and then by their therapeutic effects
First by their toxicity, and then by their effectiveness

How are drugs sorted into therapeutic group and classes?
First by the conditions that they are used to treat, and then by their mechanisms of action
First by their mechanisms of action, and then by their therapeutic effects
First by their side effects, and then by their therapeutic effects
First by their toxicity, and then by their effectiveness
What section of a drug’s package insert describes situations in which the drug should not be used because the risks outweigh the therapeutic benefits?
Adverse reactions
Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in the classic approach to band development strategy covered in your manual?
Band personality
Band positioning
Band quality
Band values
What is the name of the condition that occurs after a specific dose of a drug is given at such regular intervals that absorption and elimination (and therefore drug plasma concentration) have become fairly constant?
steady state
Which entity/entities invest/s the most money in pharmaceutical R&D?
Canadian pharmaceutical companies
The U.S Government
U.S pharmaceutical companies
Over the last few decades, what has happened to legal limitations sales’ reps discussions about off label uses?
Limitations have decreased.
Limitations have increased significantly.
Limitations have increased slightly.
Limitations have remained about the same.
7. Why are novice sales representatives often placed in charge of negotiating MCO formularies?

A. to become more familiar with the healthcare industry

B. to be more familiar with their territories

C. P&T committees are more receptive to new experienced reps.

D. They are not. This job is usually reserved for more experienced reps.

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