Assignment: Primary care journal

Assignment: Primary care journal

Assignment: Primary care journal

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Journal Entry that prompts you to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and how they relate to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills. This week you will begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal.

Somerville, D., Keeling, J. (2004). A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing. Nursing Times, 100(12), 42–45. Retrieved from

To prepare

For this course’s Practicum Experience, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • From your perspective, explain the role of nurse practitioners in clinical settings
  • Develop goals and objectives for the Practicum Experience in this course
  • Create a proposed timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.

Setting is a internal medicine office adults patients only.

2-3 references


journal 1-2 pages


Journal Entry that prompts you to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and how they relate to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills. This week you will begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal.

Somerville, D., Keeling, J. (2004). A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing. Nursing Times, 100(12), 42–45. Retrieved from

To prepare

For this course’s Practicum Experience, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • From your perspective, explain the role of nurse practitioners in clinical settings
  • Develop goals and objectives for the Practicum Experience in this course
  • Create a proposed timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.

Setting is a internal medicine office adults patients only.

2-3 references


journal 1-2 pages


Journal Entry that prompts you to reflect on your Practicum Experiences and how they relate to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills. This week you will begin documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal.

Somerville, D., Keeling, J. (2004). A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing. Nursing Times, 100(12), 42–45. Retrieved from

To prepare

For this course’s Practicum Experience, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • From your perspective, explain the role of nurse practitioners in clinical settings
  • Develop goals and objectives for the Practicum Experience in this course
  • Create a proposed timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.

Setting is a internal medicine office adults patients only.

2-3 references


journal 1-2 pages

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