Assignment: hematopoietic system

Assignment: hematopoietic system

Assignment: hematopoietic system

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Question 5.                       

A student nurse practitioner asks her preceptor about the origins of different tissues, and their cellular origins during the process of development. Which of the following statements by the preceptor best describes the process of cell differentiation?

“Cells of the hematopoietic system produce the appropriate body cells that are required at each stage of development.”

“A single stem cell differentiates into approximately 200 different types of cells.”

“A fertilized ovum undergoes a series of divisions, yielding many different cell types.”

“Cells differentiate into necessary body cells, peaking after conception, and ceasing near the time of birth.”

Question 6.                       

The nurse practitioner is seeing a client who has an acute exacerbation of Crohn’s disease. The NP recognizes the fact that the disease involves the inflammation and irritation of the intestinal lining. Which of the following types of tissue is most likely involved in the patient’s pathology?

Simple columnar epithelium

Glandular epithelium

Simple cuboidal epthelium

Stratified epithelium

Question 7.                       

A nurse practitioner employed in a hospitalist notices that a patient is experiencing muscle atrophy following 2 weeks in traction after a motor vehicle accident. Which of the following factors has most likely contributed to the atrophy of the patient’s muscle cells?

High levels of insulin and IGF-1 in the patient’s blood during immobilization

Denervation of the affected muscles during the time of traction

A reduction of skeletal muscle use secondary to the traction treatment

Reduced oxygen consumption and cellular function that ensures muscle cell survival


Question 8.                       

A 7-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital with a suspected diagnosis of lead toxicity. Which of the following assessment findings is most congruent with the patient’s diagnosis?

Decreased deep tendon reflexes

Hemoglobin 9.9 g/dL

Diffuse muscle pain

White blood cells (WBC) 11,000/mm3

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