Assignment: Distinguish Living Things

Assignment: Distinguish Living Things

Assignment: Distinguish Living Things

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Please answer the following multiple choice question. Note that there might be more than one answer correct.

1. Living organisms share a number of characteristics. These unifying characteristics separate them from non-living things. For each of the following statements, check the statements that correctly distinguish living things from non-living things? Assignment: Distinguish Living Things

1. All living organisms are made up of one or more cells.

2. Only living organisms are complex.

3. All living organisms reproduce by passing on specific genetic information to future generations.

4. Only living organisms are capable of movement.

5. Only living organisms (populations) are capable of evolving.

6. Only living organisms require an input of energy to drive cellular activities.

7. Only living organisms produce heat as a byproduct of chemical reactions.

8. All living organisms are dependent on a constant supply of oxygen for survival.

9. Only living organisms respond to external stimuli.

10. All living organisms grow by increasing cell size and/or cell number.

2. The formulation of a hypothesis is based on observations and refined by available information from past observations or research. Place the following statements in the appropriate sequence showing the progression from an observation to a testable hypothesis.

1. You notice that the bread you left on the counter has more mold on it than do the rolls that you put in the refrigerator.You notice that the bread you left on the counter has more mold on it than do the rolls that you put in the refrigerator.

2. Does temperature affect the growth of mold or is the difference in mold growth related to differences between the bread and the rolls?Does temperature affect the growth of mold or is the difference in mold growth related to differences between the bread and the rolls?

3. Bread placed in warmer temperatures should develop mold faster and more extensively than bread placed in colder temperatures.

4. Colder temperatures impede the growth of mold.


3. Drag the part of the scientific method on the left to the example on the right it best matches. Then, drag the sentences into the sequence they would most likely happen following a simplified scientific method.


peer review


data collection


1. John runs some statistics on his distances to see if he can find any significance in his study. Part:  ____________

2. On a walk around a pond John sees that small frogs on the shore only allow him to get within 5 feet before jumping into the water. Part:  ____________

3. John uses mechanical “predators” to approach frogs at a pond shore, and he records the distance between predator and frog as the frogs jump. Part:

4. John writes up and sends out his experimental results for other scientists to critique. Part:  ____________

5. John thinks that frogs vary the proximity to which they allow predators to approach based on the size of the predator. Part:  ____________

4. The four major groups of organic compounds are:

1. carbohydrates, lipids, steroids, and monosaccharides.

2. carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, and nucleic acids.

3. fats, waxes, carbohydrates, and amino acids.

4. lipids, fats, waxes, and steroids.

5. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

5. Complete the following paragraph to describe the semiconservative replication of DNA.













1. DNA replication is achieved by a process called  ____________  replication.

2. After the DNA double helix unwinds, each old strand serves as a  ____________  for the formation of a new strand.

3. Complementary  ____________  will base pair with those of the old strand.

4. After all new nucleotides are added, the old and new strand will form a  ____________  strand of DNA.

5. After replication is complete there are  ____________  daughter DNA double helices.

6. Each daughter double helix has the same sequence of base pairs as the  ____________  double helix had before replication began.

6. Complete the following paragraph to describe the four main observations that make up Darwin’s theory of natural selection.



differential reproductive success

biological evolution





1. Individual organisms within a(n)  ____________  exhibit variation. That variation is  ____________  and can be passed on from generation to generation.

2. These organisms undergo  ____________  for a limited number of available natural resources.

3. These organisms exhibit  ____________ , meaning some have traits that better enable them to survive long enough to reproduce.

4. Those that do survive to reproduce pass on their  ____________  traits to their offspring.


5. Over time, natural selection enables organisms to develop  ____________  to their environment.

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