Assignment: Cultural Criticism and Transformation

Assignment: Cultural Criticism and Transformation

Assignment: Cultural Criticism and Transformation

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Students must watch one of the two documentary films and then choose to write on one of them (student choice between the two):

Cultural Criticism and Transformation featuring bell hooks


White Like Me featuring Tim Wise

Please note that this assignment is to be posted on the Democracy and Difference website.  Complete directions are posted there.  As is the case with all assignments, no late work will be accepted.


In this class we have identified as one of our objectives the ability to fully engage, in critical ways, popular culture and its influence upon our political selves, our political sensibilities.  With our focus on “deep differences” we find ourselves examining both documentary and feature-length film texts.  The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast the political “story-telling” of both mediums when focused on the same subject or subject matter.


In 300-500 words share whether or not you believe the assigned documentary film text has the potential to transform one’s political sensibilities and how the documentary film text compares to the feature-length non-documentary film text that examines the same historical political movement and/or figure.   And, if you believe that your personal political sensibilities have been (re)shaped or transformed by a particular film and/or style of film, say so.   Again, the objective here is to share your thoughts pertaining to the major thesis presented in Democracy and Difference.

Please note that this assignment is to be posted on the Democracy and Difference website.  Complete directions are posted there.  As is the case with all assignments, no late work will be accepted.


In this class we have identified as one of our objectives the ability to fully engage, in critical ways, popular culture and its influence upon our political selves, our political sensibilities.  With our focus on “deep differences” we find ourselves examining both documentary and feature-length film texts.  The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast the political “story-telling” of both mediums when focused on the same subject or subject matter.

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