analyzing ONE SCENE from one film (narrative, feature length) or TV episode

Each student will be responsible for analyzing ONE SCENE from one film (narrative, feature length) or TV episode, limited to three pages (12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins, page numbers, no source required).
You should discuss the scene within the context of the film and highlight components of the mise-en-scène, editing, composition, and use of music—make sure to use specific film terminology. The structure of your scene analysis paper should be similar to that of a research paper; in the first paragraph you state a hypothesis, the following paragraphs serve to support your argument, and in the final paragraph you summarize your findings.
NOTE: You must see the film more than once in order to do the scene breakdown reliably. It is strongly encouraged to choose a film we have seen in lecture as it might be easiest but if you pick a film (or TV episode) of your own choosing, make sure that you get the approval of your instructor.
Here is the a film that we watched in lecture.
Laura (1944 film) (Link to watch)
The post analyzing ONE SCENE from one film (narrative, feature length) or TV episode ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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