Alturism- In the News

Find one or more examples of altruism (or what some people may claim is altruism) in the U.S. news. Write a brief description of your example(s) of altruism… focusing on the relevant details (details that may help us understand the helper’s motives), and explain why you think it is true altruism or only pro-social behavior (cover both in your explanation). Look for specific evidence in the example of some principle, process, or strategy. This write up should include an APA style title page and 2-3 pages of description and explanation. Attach the article / URL
____ Title Page that includes the Assignment Name and the Student’s Name and is formatted
in APA style (10 points). See APA Style Resources on Blackboard.
____ Altruism description provides sufficient / relevant detail (20 points)
 Sufficient detail provided to understand the motivations of the helper
 Details are provided regarding empathy and or self interest
 Details are relevant to understanding type of help (emergency / nonemergency)
____ Explanation of why the helping behavior is best described as Purely Altruistic or simply Pro-social Behavior. (cover both possibilities). (40 points)
 Uses terms/concepts/processes described clearly with sufficient detail (eg., terms and concepts such as Empathy Altruism hypothesis / sequence; Egoistic explanations – Aversive Arousal (negative state) Reduction; Mood Management hypothesis, reciprocity, kin selection…etc. Providing page numbers for terms is helpful.
 minimum expectations met (one term / finding, etc.)
 minimum expectations exceeded (several terms used, etc.)

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