Adoption of Standards for Achieving Health IT Benefit

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your peers with each response being a minimum of five full sentences. At least one peer response should be to a peer who is in a different Ashford University major than you. Compare and contrast how your peers’ approach to the informatics solution proposed is alike or different than the approach you recommended in your major of study. Who are the specific stakeholders that your major of study must focus on in the development of the informatics solution? Your initial post and responses to peers must be on three different days of the week.

Peer: Shauntae


Adoption of Standards for Achieving Health IT Benefit

The health care system of the US is swiftly adopting EHRs, which will radically upsurge the extent of scientific data that are accessible electronically. It is particularly imperative to recognize and assimilate certain standards for achieving the benefits and welfares of Health IT. EHRs aid clinicians to coordinate the care as well as protect the safety of patients.  To accomplish this, standards for continuous monitoring of the quality of care and supporting data retrieval and exchange is imperative (Bates, Saria, Ohno-Machado, Shah, & Escobar, 2014).

Four areas of an extrapolative algorithm are significant differentiators. They are comprised of modifying the intervention to a specific patient and safeguarding that patients truly acquire the specific interventions proposed for them. Moreover, monitoring the patients after the discharge aids in discovering if they are suffering problems before they decompensate; besides safeguarding a low proportion of patients identified for an intervention to patients who are readmitted. Medical outcomes comprise of improvements in the quality of care, a reduction in medical errors, and other enhancements in patient-level measures that pronounce the suitability of care. Hence, monitoring the care continuously helps to coordinate the care among various doctors and protects the safety of patients (Friedman, Wong, & Blumenthal, 2010).

Having patient’s data kept electronically upsurges the availability of data, which can result in more quantifiable analyses to classify evidence-based finest practices more effortlessly. Data retrieval and exchange is the procedure of sharing patient-level information between diverse organizations, which can generate much competence in the distribution of health care. By permitting a secure as well as the potentially real-time distribution of patient information, costs are reduced for redundant tests ordered by another clinician who does not have admittance to the clinical data present in another clinician’s location. For example, an EHR might similarly alert one of the doctors if a different doctor has already suggested a medicine which did not work out for a patient. It will help in saving a patient from possible risks or consequences of consuming harmful medication. Hence, supporting data retrieval and exchange is significant for coordinating the care among various doctors and protecting the safety of patients in altering circumstances (Menachemi & Collum, 2011).


Bates, D. W., Saria, S., Ohno-Machado, L., Shah, A., & Escobar, G. (2014). Big data in health care: using analytics to identify and manage high-risk and high-cost patients. Health Affairs33(7), 1123-1131.

Friedman, C. P., Wong, A. K., & Blumenthal, D. (2010). Achieving a nationwide learning health system. Science translational medicine2(57), 57cm29-57cm29.

Menachemi, N., & Collum, T. H. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Risk management and healthcare policy4, 47.

Peer: Harrison


Health It Benefits and Risks Reflection,

Well,  not only health systems in the United States but other health systems worldwide as well are going digital.Health care providers  need to ensure that they harness the information revolution to provide better health outcomes,better patient experience  and better value.Information Technology (IT) has been proposed or slowly being introduced to healthcare system for a variety of reasons;however the primary potential benefit must be for improved patient care and enhanced patient safety.The types of software and hardware being implemented are extremely varied, but whatever the technology involved the vast majority require use by human beings,either staff members,health care providers or patients.If the system is poorly designed and do not meet users’ needs,then the perceived benefits will not be achieved and money will have been spent ineffectively and potentially patients put at risks. In fact,an electronic health record,or EHR, is defined as  “a longitudinal health record and includes all information contained in a health record such as patient’s health profile,behavioral and environmental information”. This information includes data obtained from multiple episodes and providers, with the intention of being a lifetime medical record.The EHR contains all the personal health information belonging to an individual,is entered electronically by healthcare providers over the person’s life time, and extends beyond care to ambulatory care settings.Numerous health care facilities from across the globe have implemented EHR systems to improve the information record process but only a few have been successful(Black , 2011;Nelson  & Staggers, 2014)

Information Technology (IT), such as EHRs and the ability to exchange health information electronically often help health care providers to provide higher quality and safer care for patients while creating tangible enhancement for the institution.Information Technology (IT), such as EHRs help providers better manage care for patients and provide health care by;providing accurate,up-to date,and complete information about patients at the point of care,enabling quick access to patient records for more coordination,efficient care,secure sharing electronic information with patients and other clinicians,helping providers more effectively diagnose patients,reduce medical errors,and provide safe care,improve patient and providers interaction and communication, as well as health care convenience,enabling safer,more reliable prescribing,helping promote legible,complete documentation and accurate, streamlined coding billing,enhancing privacy and security of patients data,,helping providers improve productivity and work life balance,enabling providers to improve efficiency and meet their business goals,reducing costs through decreased paper work,improved safety,reduced duplication of testing and improved health. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are the first step to transform health care and the benefits of electronic health records include;better health care-by improving all aspects of patient care, including safety,effectiveness.patient-centeredness,communication,education,timeliness,efficiency,quality and,equity.Better Health- by encouraging healthier styles in the entire population, including increased physical activities, better nutrition,avoidance of behavioral risks, and a wider use of preventative care.Improved efficiencies and lower health care costs-by promoting preventative medicine and improved coordination of health care services, as well as by reducing waste and redundant tests.Better clinical decision making by integrating patient information from multiple sources(Department of Health,2016).

Sharing of data in health care system  can enhance understanding of the results of an individual clinical trial and enable the pooling of data from multiple trials to extend scientific discoveries beyond those derivable from many single study,the moral and ethical arguments of data sharing center on fulfilling obligations to research participants, minimizing safety risks,and honoring the nature of medical research as a public good,the practical and scientific arguments for data sharing in include improving the accuracy of research,informing  risk/benefit analysis of treatment options, strengthening collaborations, accelerating biomedical research, and restoring trust in the clinical research enterprise,normally participants data are particularly useful when shared,but care ought to be taken to avoid drawing inaccurate conclusion from reanalysis of such data(Bates et al., 1998).

Well, there are also some barriers  and disadvantages as well to use of IT in health care:Data associated with data resource include lack of a national health  information network,health terminologies and classifications,lack of centralized healthcare database, concerns about privacy and confidentiality,lack of capacity to use real time data,data quality, data accuracy,data security lack of health information data standard.Barriers associated with procedure resource;lack of project planning,cost of equipment purchase,implementation costs,maintenance costs,initial costs,lack of available funding,training cost,lack of capacity  to select, contract for,and implement an EHR,implementation related issues,lack of administrative and policy support,concern about physicians’ legal liability, unrealistic expectation about ease of installation, competitiveness among healthcare institutions,risks of new regulatory requirements,waiting to see if subsidies  develop,external factors that can impact the ability to achieve its strategic goals and objectives,lack of future support from vendors for upgrading and maintaining the system and the number of vendors in market place(Sidlow & Katz-Sidlow,2006).

Some of the risks include;one to one  communication with patients  is reduced significantly,security  related issues may crop up through increased dependence on the data center provider,need for additional efforts such as sudden cost expenditure,infrastructure creation,etc may arise, responsibility and answer-ability are in disorder when due diligence is not practiced,challenges caused due to natural disasters are more common in this method of operation and the general…

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