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Morgan: week 2 discussion 2

Community Policing Case Studies

Compare two of the “Cop in Action” case studies from Chapters Three, Four, or Five of the textbook. Describe the specific details that identify the course of action as a representation of one of the three policing models described. What characteristics specific to that particular policing model lead to successful implementation within the case study?   

In a mixed culture community, the East Dallas Storefront is present and is one of five stations in the central patrol division. People live as poor as housing projects and as rich as mansions worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Four officers police the community use anything from bike patrol, public speaking in schools and church groups, and holds storefront community meetings. The store front is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., allowing the community members plenty of opportunity throughout the day to stop in if necessary. Social services, fingerprinting, meeting rooms, and youth activities are all among the nontraditional functions embraced by the storefront. The implementation of neighborhood-oriented policing programs are all outline in the East Dallas Police Storefront case study.  

Ocean City’s base population 10,000 but in the summer months the population raises to nearly 300,000 people when the college and high school students come to enjoy the beaches. Usually the city has well behaved vacationers, but 1995 changed that. Many troubling events occurred that summer and many young people lost their lives while under the influence, and many others were harmed while intoxicated. After that summer, the police knew that they needed to prepare for the upcoming tourists to ensure safety for everybody.  For the upcoming year, the police in the community began the Reducing the Availability of Alcohol to Minors. To push the act further, police also spoke to housing units, who then made new rules to renters. If underage drinking occurs, eviction of the renters would be issued. Police also tried management so they were able to handle minor disturbances. Foot, bike, and mounted police units were applied to the community so officers were out in the community more often. Problem-oriented policing is initiated in this situation. When a problem become known, the police took action to ensure the safety of all in the community

need tofell the bad and good of post list references thnks

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