Work place Stress in the Fire Station

Your task is to contemplate some of the most common contributors or causes to personal workplace stress and how this stress affects your performance. After you have done this, review some of the stress management methods that have been discussed in this unit (or through your own research) that you have not implemented before and that are of particular interest to you.

Next, extend the relationships between stress mitigation and creativity development practices that you have not implemented before or that interest you. How can enhancing your creativity help with stress mitigation? Explain.

Finally, develop a reflection paper where you review the contemplated contributors and express your thoughts on the general effectiveness and viability of the management tactic(s) selected.

The reflection should be at least two pages in length, be double-spaced, and be written in 12-point Times New Roman font. Outside sources and references are not required; however, if you do utilize information from an outside source, make certain to appropriately cite your source.. Remember to write in 3rd person APA style

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