Week 2 Discussion World History

Choose one question from the list below and respond. Identify to which question you are responding. Submit your 2-3 page response to the Discussion Area. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is .) By the end of the week, please comment substantively on two or more classmates assignments and to any questions left to you by the instructor in his or her feedback. Leave comments that raise salient points and stimulate discussion. Focus on the topic and its historical context. Be respectful, helpful, clear, and concise. Always utilize constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of further learning.

Question1: How did the Great Awakening both reflect economic changes and suggest revolutionary tendencies? What role did Great Britains reformation play in the colonization of the New World?

Question 2: Did Great Britain lose more than it gained from its victory in the French and Indian War? Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War? Support your response with specific taxes or policies.

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Areaby the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

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