Unit 2 Exercise: Logic Drill 2


Write out the logic to the following problems.

Example: Represent the logic of a decision whether to wear a coat if the temperature is less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and not to wear one if the temperature is 60 degrees or greater.




        integer temperature

output “Enter temperature: “

input temperature

if (temperature <60)

        output “Wear coat.”


       output “Don’t wear coat.”

end if


  1. Represent the logic of a program that allows the user the decide if an employee is eligible for overtime pay.  If the employee is hourly, then output “Eligible for overtime,” and  if the employee is salaried, then output “Not eligible for overtime.”
  2. Represent the logic of a program decides which award to give an employee based on years of service.  Someone with more than 25 years of service gets a gold watch, and someone with 25 years or less of service receives a pen and pencil set.
  3. Represent the logic of a program that allows the user to enter a value between 1 and 100. The program determines if the value is even or odd, and outputs either “The number is even,” or “The number is odd.”

Put your solutions in a Word document,

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