the authors of your textbook discuss the ways to make performance assessments more authentic compare contrast and provide examples of approaches that would assess skill performance in a more real world context

  1. The authors of your textbook discuss the ways to make performance assessments more authentic. Compare, contrast, and provide examples of approaches that would assess skill performance in a more real-world context. Confine your answer to one page.

NOTES from the book: (just to help out just a little)

Making Performance Assessments More Authentic

Performance assessments can be made more authentic by presenting performance tasks more like those in the real world. Real-world problems are open-ended, have no set strategies for solving them, and provide for the integration of cognitive, communication, and problem-solving skills.

This broader conception of performance assessment and its role in the teaching–learning process is supported by the more recent conceptions of how students learn. Modern learning theory emphasizes the need for focusing on more complex learning outcomes, using more comprehensive student activities, engaging students in the activities and obtaining meaning from them, and using more realistic types of problem solving. This emphasis requires more elaborate performance assessments that integrate the various skills and ideas imbedded in the activities. Properly done, these expanded assessments can make a significant contribution to the improvement of students’ understanding and to their general educational development, in addition to their improvement of the particular skill activity (see Box 9.9).


Waugh, C. K & Gronlund, N. E. (2013). Assessment of student achievement (10th ed).

Boston: Pearson


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