Social Identity Theory and its impact on the study of sport fan behavior

UNHP 1100 – Sport Rivalry
Sport Fan Behavior Observation Paper
People can choose to follow sport teams for various reasons, and can be introduced to a sport or team through many different avenues. In this two-part assignment, you will discuss the meaning of fan behavior and observations of fan behavior at a live sport event. In the first section, you will write 4 to 5 pages discussing how fans are introduced to sport, and react to favorite team success and failure. Specifically, you will:

Discuss Social Identity Theory and its impact on the study of sport fan behavior.
Discuss BIRGing, CORFing, BIRFing, and CORSing, and how they impact sport fans.
Discuss how favorite team performance impacts fan behavior.
Discuss the findings of Wann et al. 2003 regarding fan anonymous aggressive actions.

Second, you will attend one athletic game (game of your choice, must have reasonable fan attendance) and document your observations of fans at the event. You may either observe the crowd (and crowd behavior) or focus on one specific fan. You will document your observations using 2 to 3 pages following the format below:

Discuss the behavior of fans before the contest.
Discuss how behavior changed during the contest, while providing specific examples that elicited the fan reactions.
Discuss the behavior of fans after the contest, and contrast the behavior with those before and during the game.
Using your own behavior as a fan, compare and contrast the observations you made at the sporting event with your own behaviors while watching a favored team play.

You will create your paper in Word format, using 1 -inch margins, 12 point, Times New Roman font. You will include a cover page (not included in the page requirements) with the following information: Name, UNHP1100, Date, Sport Fan Behavior Observation Paper.   You will also include a References page (also not included in the page requirements). The paper Headings should follow the format below (HEADINGS SHOULD APPEAR EXACTLY AS THEY DO BELOW).
Fan Behavior
(discuss Social Identity Theory)
Winning, Losing, and Sport Fans
(discuss BIRGing, CORFing, BIRFing, CORSing, and team performance)
Fan Dysfunction
Fan Behavior at (fill in sport event attended)
Fan Behavior Before Game
(first discussion point)
Fan Behavior During Game
(second discussion point)
Fan Behavior After Game
(third discussion point)
Comparison to Personal Fan Behavior
(fourth discussion point)
Grading Criteria:
Fan Behavior – 10%
Winning, Losing, and Sport Fans – 10%
Fan Dysfunction – 10%
Fan Behavior at sporting event – 65%
Fan Behavior Before Game – 15%
Fan Behavior During Game – 15%
Fan Behavior After Game – 15%
Comparison to Personal Fan Behavior – 20%
Formatting/Spelling/Headings/Citations – 5%
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