Is it possible to give naturalistic (e.g. biological) definitions of disease and health? Why is it important to think about what constitutes disease and health?

There is a maximum word limit of 1,000 words. This includes footnotes but not

One Required reading: concepts of health

Additional reading:
Boorse, Christopher (1977) Health as a theoretical concept Philosophy of Science 44:  54273.

Rachel Cooper (2002) Disease Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33: 263-282.

Carel, Havi (2006) Can I be Ill and Happy? Philosophia 35: 95-110.

other than this, i am expected to do further research to find more sources and evidence for the essay.

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The post Is it possible to give naturalistic (e.g. biological) definitions of disease and health? Why is it important to think about what constitutes disease and health? appeared first on Essay Writers.

Is it possible to give naturalistic (e.g. biological) definitions of disease and health? Why is it important to think about what constitutes disease and health? was first posted on February 13, 2020 at 11:35 pm.
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