Identify At Least One Academically Credible Website for Each Topic on the List

The Internet is a wonderful universe of information. But not all of it is trustworthy, or credible, for use in college-level academic research. Using the Internet for research, identify at least one academically credible website for each of the following topics:

  • Plagiarism or academic citation
  • Study skills
  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Budgeting or personal finance

Note:  It is important that your sources are credible websites regarding each of the topics. Wikipedia is not a credible source of information. 

Prepare a list of the credible websites you found. For each of the five topics above, consider the following:

  • What were the challenges you faced in researching the topics? Did any topic prove to be more difficult to research?
  • What methods did you use to identify potential authoritative resources?
  • What made you think that each of the sites chosen was academically credible?

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