Discussion: pathophysiology Assignment

Discussion: pathophysiology Assignment

Discussion: pathophysiology Assignment

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D. D. is a 66 year-old female suffering from shortness of breath. She smoked 2 packs a day until she quit 2 years ago. She has a history of bronchiolitis, hyperinflated lungs, pulmonary edema, and syncope. Her primary care practitioner suspects she also has pulmonary hypertension (PH). After examination, D. D. has a PAP of 35 mm Hg and mild CHF.

For this week’s discussion, answer ALL questions below:

1. What is the prevalence of COPD in the United States? Use the most recent data available and provide a citation for your data.(2 pts)

2. Do COPD sufferers die of respiratory causes or other causes? Why? (2 pts)

2. What are the three different medication classes/types of bronchodilators, and how do they EACH function to alleviate the symptoms of COPD? (4 pts)

3. Is lung transplantation a solution for emphysema patients like D.D.? Why or why not? (2 pts)

Please need done within the next hour, its not paragraph require just questions answered.

D. D. is a 66 year-old female suffering from shortness of breath. She smoked 2 packs a day until she quit 2 years ago. She has a history of bronchiolitis, hyperinflated lungs, pulmonary edema, and syncope. Her primary care practitioner suspects she also has pulmonary hypertension (PH). After examination, D. D. has a PAP of 35 mm Hg and mild CHF.

For this week’s discussion, answer ALL questions below:

1. What is the prevalence of COPD in the United States? Use the most recent data available and provide a citation for your data.(2 pts)

2. Do COPD sufferers die of respiratory causes or other causes? Why? (2 pts)

2. What are the three different medication classes/types of bronchodilators, and how do they EACH function to alleviate the symptoms of COPD? (4 pts)

3. Is lung transplantation a solution for emphysema patients like D.D.? Why or why not? (2 pts)

Please need done within the next hour, its not paragraph require just questions answered.

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