Discussion: Functions of consciousness

Discussion: Functions of consciousness

Discussion: Functions of consciousness

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After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Describe the functions of consciousness.

2. Describe the different levels of consciousness and the kinds of processing that occur at each level.

3. Define circadian rhythms and describe their relation to the 24-hour day cycle.

4. Describe the stages of sleep.

5. Identify the major sleep disorders and the effects of sleep deprivation.

6. Discuss the difference between night dreaming and day dreaming, and describe lucid dreaming.

7. Explain Freud’s theory of dreaming and contrast it with the Hobson-McCarley theory and the information-processing theory.

8. Give examples of the difference between a dream’s manifest content and latent content.

9. Describe the issues concerning sleep that will arise as people’s lives become more driven and as world travel becomes easier.

Objectives 14

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Describe hypnotic techniques, experiences, and applications.

2. Explain the difference between psychological dependence and physical addiction.

3. Define the major drug categories, and compare the effects of specific drugs, such as stimulants and depressants.

4. List and describe the characteristics of the various extended states of consciousness, such as lucid dreaming, hypnosis, mediation, hallucinations, and drug use.

5. Describe the three levels of consciousness.

6. Explain the phenomenon of “discovered memory.”

Objectives 15

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Define personality.

2. Compare type and traits theories of personality.

3. List and describe “The Big Five” dimensions of personality.

4. Describe Freud’s theory of personality development and the role of the id, ego, and superego in the conscious self.

5. Describe how post-Freudian theories differ from Freudian theories.

6. Describe the major humanistic theories and their contribution.

7. Describe social learning and cognitive theories and their contribution.

8. List the five most important differences in assumptions about personality across theoretical perspectives.

9. Compare the value and accuracy of standardized and projective tests of personality.

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