Critically evaluate the role of the media in influencing Russia (social/cultural/political/ economic) identity.

The purpose of the assignment is to discuss theories (e.g. electronic colonialism theory) and critically evaluate the role of the media in influencing Russia (social/cultural/political/ economic) identity.

Before you start working on this assignment, be sure to read theories discussed in the course:

MacPhail, 2014:1-46
Wilkins et al, 2014, chapter 3
Castells, 2011
Your task for this assignment is the following:

To analyze the role of media in creating national identity (social/ cultural/ political/ economic) within the context of an assigned country;
To identify and prioritize examples of how media production within and outside the country is used to shape the nations identity;
To make the linkages between media’s practice within the assigned country and the wider global media industry, and how these linkages influence socio-political and economic change.

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Critically evaluate the role of the media in influencing Russia (social/cultural/political/ economic) identity. was first posted on February 16, 2020 at 3:05 am.
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