Assignment: universal moral values

Assignment: universal moral values

Assignment: universal moral values

1. According to your textbook, “Contrary to a popular misconception in the West, homosexuality is not universally stigmatized. Based on the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample of 186 societies, Crapo (1995) found that only 31% of people stigmatized homosexual behavior, while the remainder either considered homosexual experimentation to be a normal developmental phase of preadult life (38%), accepted committed adult same-sex relationships as an alternative form of marriage (18%), or even required same-sex relationships among all males during a period that preceded their being permitted to marry heterosexually (12%)” (Crapo, 2013, p.161).
In America, the historical stigmatization of homosexuality is a product of (Points : 1)

cultural relativism.
universal moral values.

Question 2. 2. Which of the following is an example of an etic statement about Americans? (Points : 1)

July 4th is a federal holiday, and I enjoy having the day off from work. I usually spend time with my family and hang out at the pool.
The Fourth of July is the day we adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring our independence from the British in 1776. This had a huge impact on the entire course of history, leading to the Revolutionary War and the creation of the best country in the world, the United States of America.
The fireworks displays are my favorite part of the Fourth of July. I also march in the local parade.
Americans celebrate the 4th of July as the day they declared independence from colonial powers in 1776. Food is often cooked outside on grills, even though most houses have electric ovens inside. It is very hot outside in the middle of summer, and although many people have electronic cooling devices called air conditioners within their homes, much of the day is spent outside. At night, explosives are set off in community gatherings to celebrate this holiday. Remarkably, very few people are hurt during these displays.

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