Assignment: Prison experiment

Assignment: Prison experiment

Assignment: Prison experiment


1. Describe Philip Zimbardo’s prison experiment and his conclusions about how people’s behavior is constrained by social situations.

2. Describe Solmon Asch’s experiment and his conclusions on the conditions that promote conformity.

3. Compare the major leadership styles in Lewin’s experiment and describe their effects on each group of boys.

4. Describe Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments and his conclusions about conditions that promote blind obedience.

5. Describe the phenomenon of bystander intervention and how it reflects another aspect of situational forces.

6. Describe Serge Moscovici’s work on the influence of the minority on the majority.

7. Discuss various factors that contribute to aggressive behavior.

8. Explain why experimental research is necessary for understanding social influences on behavior.

Objectives 20

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Explain the fundamental attribution error.

2. Describe attribution theory.

3. Explain self-perception theory.

4. Summarize Rosenthal’s experiment that demonstrates the Pygmalion effect and explain its relation to self-fulfilling prophecies.

5. Describe the effect of cognitive dissonance on behavior and attitude change.

6. Describe the techniques used by cults to maintain control over their members.

Objectives 21

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Identify the seven criteria commonly used to determine abnormal behavior.

2. Describe the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and how it is used.

3. Explain how psychological disorders are classified.

4. List and describe the major types of psychological disorders.

5. List the biological and psychological approaches to studying the etiology of psychopathology.

6. Summarize the genetic and psychosocial research related to the origins of schizophrenia, including subtypes and etiology.

7. Identify sources of error in judgments of mental illness.

8. Discuss stigmas against mental illness and how they can be overcome.

Objectives 22

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Describe early approaches to identifying and treating mental illness.

2. Identify the major approaches to psychotherapy.

3. Describe how psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, and clinical psychologists differ in their training and therapeutic orientations.

4. Identify the major features of psychoanalysts and explain the purposes of each.

5. Explain the goals of various behavior therapies.

6. Describe how counterconditioning can be used effectively to treat phobias.

7. Summarize the major rationale behind all types of cognitive therapies.

8. Describe the use of psychosurgery and electroconvulsive shock in the treatment of mental illness.

9. Identify the common forms of drug therapy and how they have changed the mental health system.

10. Summarize research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

11. Summarize the main features of client-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy and how these reflect the existential-humanistic perspective.

Objectives 23

After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:

1. Define stress and list the major sources of stress.

2. Describe the role of cognitive appraisal in stress.

3. Describe the major physiological stress reactions, including the general adaptation syndrome.

4. Explain the relationship between stress and illness.

5. Describe various kinds of events that can lead to psychological stress.

6. Describe the types of coping strategies in coping with stress.

7. Explain the mind-body relationship in terms of the biopsychosocial model of health and illness.

8. Describe the effects of self-disclosure on health.

9. Describe biofeedback, how it works, and its role in behavioral medicine.

10. Discuss how personality types relate to different health outcomes.

11. List some things you can do to reduce your stress level, promote your health, and protect yourself from job burnout.

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