Assignment: leisure and recreation
Assignment: leisure and recreation
Assignment: leisure and recreation
1. Many forms of leisure and recreation have shifted from spontaneous or informal activities to formal and organized ones true or false
Answer True
2. The care of the elderly is primarily a task entrusted to the family.
Answer True
3. true or false The United States has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world
Answer True
4. is it true or false that The media have always been an instrument of the state as well as a tool for social change.
Answer True
5. Under certain conditions, the Federal Communication Commission allows a single company to own every media outlet in a single market.
Answer True
6. The nature of health can be defined by its social rather than biological context.
Answer True
7. What led to the increase in leisure time in the twentieth century?
a. Changes in values and norms made leisure seem more desirable.
b. increases in industrial productivity and time-saving technologies
c. decreases in family size
d. urbanization
e. increases in life span and better health care
8. Revolutionary social change is often the result of technological developments.
Answer True
9. The tragedy of the commons is a kind of social dilemma in which:
a. science needs to come up with better technical solutions to environmental problems.
b. individually rational behavior leads to collective disaster.
c. individuals must be convinced to contribute to a collective resource that they may or may not benefit from.
d. fortunately most people are not motivated by self-interest.
e. the more critical the situation becomes, the more likely people are to cooperate with one another.
10. The spread of material and nonmaterial culture to new cultural groups, even when there is no migration of people, is called:
a. postmodernism.
b. cultural leveling.
c. cultural lag.
d. cultural diffusion.
e. culture shock.
11. Which of the following people would be most likely to join a social movement?
a. a young woman who attends college and is involved in campus government and volunteers for local and state political campaigns
b. a disaffected loner, taking lots of math classes, but without a real social life or a good outlet to make friends or form romantic relationships
c. a young man from the lower class who gets a job in a campus cafeteria and notices how well off the students he serves are
d. an average student who spends a lot of time smoking marijuana and switches majors several times
e. a single mother who works nights as a stocker at a grocery store and has relatives both in the deep south and on the west coast
12. How does the U.S. Census Bureau define “family”?
a. two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption who share a household
b. a social group bound to one another through legal, biological, or emotional ties
c. people who are emotionally and/or materially interdependent
d. people who share a household
e. parents living with minor children
13. Death and illness in a population is bad for productivity of the system and is a destabilizing force. Which theory takes this approach to medicine?
a. sick role
b. ecological
c. structural functionalism
d. symbolic interactionism
e. conflict
14. Which of the following is NOT considered to be protected speech?
a. information about bombs and weapons
b. hateful language directed at racial and ethnic minorities
c. pictures taken of celebrities on public property
d. information about the personal lives of political candidates
e. material considered to be obscene
15. If an urban neighborhood were to suddenly develop an assortment of upscale restaurants, coffee shops, hip boutiques, and art galleries, then the neighborhood is:
a. becoming gentrified.
b. growing into an edge city.
c. reacting to the rural rebound.
d. changing patterns of pollution and resource use.
e. experiencing smart growth.
16. Whereas the top causes of death in the United States are ________________, those in the developing world are continually affected by the threat of _______________.
a. acute; curative
b. preventive; crisis
c. preventive; chronic
d. chronic; acute
e. crisis; acute
17. Jorge has learned that he has a mental illness. Since then, he has begun to act according to the illness, in ways that he thinks others expect someone with a mental illness to act. Which theory of health and illness best explains his situation?
a. conflict
b. stigma
c. symbolic interactionism
d. sick role
e. doctor–patient confidentiality
18. How does Robert Bellah believe that style enclaves are different from “real communities”?
a. They tend to remain focused on shared interests rather than on the larger community.
b. They usually lead to more altruistic behaviors and an interest in others.
c. They have greater community spirit.
d. They tend to be integrated into a larger social group.
e. all of the above
19. How do rates of domestic abuse differ across racial groups?
a. They are lower among Asian Americans than in other racial groups.
b. They are about equal across racial groups.
c. They are higher among non-English-speaking individuals than among English speakers.
d. They are lower among immigrants from Southeast Asia than in other groups.
e. They are higher among African Americans and Hispanics than in other racial groups.
20. Activities that are recreation today were necessities in the past.
Answer True
21. Real environmental justice would mean that poor communities would not have to choose between economic development and a healthy environment.
Answer True
22. C. Wright Mills used the term “the sociological imagination” to refer to important interconnections between personal troubles and public issues. What would he have said about deprivation amplification?
a. It didn’t really apply to a sociological imagination.
b. Both public issues and personal troubles contribute to poor health and so work needs to be done at both levels to more properly address disease rates.
c. Neither public issues nor personal troubles contribute to poor health and so work done at these levels would not address disease rates any differently.
d. Personal troubles cause poor health and so work needs to be done to more properly address disease rates.
e. Public issues cause poor health and so work needs to be done to more properly address disease rates.
23. According to conflict theory, how does the nuclear family facilitate exploitation?
a. by making geographic mobility possible
b. by employing members of other social groups to do its dirty work
c. by exploiting the working class, whose products it consumes
d. through the use of nannies and domestic workers
e. through a sexual division of labor within the home
24. All successful social movements are eventually incorporated into institutions.
Answer True
25. Which of the following is a basic demographic variable?
a. agglomeration
b. dystopia
c. pluralism
d. migration
e. sustainable development
26. Which of the following sounds most like recreation, as your textbook defines it?
a. a magician who puts up flyers and works at children’s birthday parties
b. a guitarist on tour who has to sell t-shirts and CDs at the merchandise table after each show
c. a student’s time between getting out of class and going to work
d. the “recess” period given to children in primary school, when they can spend unstructured time on the playground
e. someone learning the calculus required to compute the amount and type of fuel needed to power a model rocket that he wants to launch in a par
27. Paolo broke a finger playing soccer. He was seen by a medical practitioner very soon after the accident. His ailment would be classified as a chronic illness.
Answer True
28. The United States is the only industrialized nation without some nationalized health care.
Answer True
29. According to relative deprivation theory, why do people join social movements?
a. They are ordered to do so by the government.
b. Social movements are good places to meet people and network.
c. They are filling a psychological need to belong to something.
d. Joining a social movement is a rational response to inequality or oppression.
e. Social movements are a necessary part of a system of social stratification.
30. Because many media companies are now global, the content that they produce reflects a wide range of Western and nonwestern values.
Answer True
31. In Lincoln, Nebraska, in the summer of 2009, two groups held rallies about health care, one supporting and one opposing legislation proposed to overhaul America’s health care system. At one point, the two groups went beyond holding signs and shouting slogans and tempers flared. Objects were thrown, shoving matches broke out, and the police had to step in to break up the:
a. social movement.
b. rally.
c. contagion.
d. march.
e. riot.
32. As an agent of socialization, who does the family influence?
a. only children
b. everyone
c. women
d. the elderly
e. none of the above
33. How do people with an anthropocentric relationship with the environment perceive nature?
a. as something to be preserved
b. as the ultimate source of meaning
c. as something to be studied and examined before it is tainted by human activity
d. as a place to find spiritual truth
e. as something to be conquered
34. More recently, epidemiologists are studying the role of temperature increases in the spread of diseases globally. Specifically they have found that increases in temperature can also increase pathogen-carrying agents called:
a. infectious agents.
b. mosquitoes.
c. pathogens.
d. ecosystem deterrents.
e. vector organisms.
35. A woman who recently moved from New York to North Carolina had a year of probation left from a fraud conviction, but was told that North Carolina would not supervise her probation…
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