Horror film theory

REQUIREMENTS:Write a 5 page paper that uses theory to make sense of a horror film of your choice.  The paper should be organized in terms of a problem-solution format: Such and So, the film, raises some interesting questions, and So-and-So’s theory helps to answer them.  Be sure to (1) summarize the film plot and conspicuous stylistic techniques and devices (if any); (2) summarize and explain the theory you are consulting; and (3) apply the theory to your film in a way that is fair to both.  Summarizing the film is important, as your graders may not have seen the film you are writing about. Do not, however, spend four pages summarizing the plot; the goal here is to show you can use theory we read for class to make sense of a horror film

Theory: Screen Theory in film studies

Movie: 47 meters down: Uncaged


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