alice walker

Discussion Board–“Everyday Use”
This week, I will not determine which literary term or element of fiction you will focus on for your discussion of “Everyday Use.”  Instead, I will let you decide which element you will like to discuss.

As you read “Everyday Use” or think back on your reading of it, which element of fiction stood out for you?  Was it plot, characterization, setting, point of view, or theme?  Once you choose an element of fiction, discuss the particular element and its related terms as it relates to the story.  For example, if you decide to focus on plot, discuss the exposition, conflicts, climax, denouement, foreshadowing, flashback, and situational irony.  If you choose characterization, indicate who is the protagonist; if he or she is static or dynamic, round or flat, stereotypical; whether we see the character’s external or internal reality or both; and if there is dramatic irony.  Once you decide on the element of fiction, you can look back at pages 6-8 in Analyzing Literature to determine what are the related terms you should discuss when you focus on certain elements of fiction.

Use quotes, paraphrases, and summaries to support your analysis.


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alice walker was first posted on July 4, 2020 at 3:38 am.
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alice walker was first posted on July 3, 2020 at 11:42 pm.
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