Do you Fly or Fight? Combat situation

We all have stress in our lives; it is inevitable. If you have not already done so, access and complete the survey Do you Fly or Fight? in MyPsychLab. The link to the survey is located in the Required Reading area of Unit II. After you have completed the survey, journal about the following.

Reflect on an example of a stressful event you have experienced. Explain how you reacted. Was your reaction typical for you, and do you think it agreed with your survey results? In hindsight, would you have changed any part of your reaction and handling of the event, and if so, how?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
Fight or Flight Survey

This is a non-scientific survey about your thoughts, experiences, and understanding of psychological concepts. Your responses to this survey are completely anonymous. Data will be reported only in survey format and no individual responses will be revealed to your instructor or anyone else. This survey asks you about your experiences with and reactions towards stressful events, particularly those that stimulate your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS is the part of your Peripheral Nervous System that controls involuntary muscles and bodily functions you likely don’t think about such as the workings of your heart, blood vessels, smooth muscles (e.g., liver, kidneys), and glands. The ANS is also the part of your nervous system that kicks your fight or flight response into gear when you are faced with a stressful situation in which you feel afraid. Fight or flight is a catchphrase used to describe the way we react to stressful events,

Congratulations on completing this survey. Here is a summary of the answers you gave for each item in this survey. Click on GLOBAL RESULTS to see how your answers compare to the total population of people who have completed this survey.

1. What is your gender?

– Male

2. How old are you?

– 46-55

3. In general, have you EVER experienced a fight or flight moment?

– Yes

4. In general, when you have experienced a fight or flight moment, how have you responded?

– Both Fight and Flight

5. How often have you experienced Freezing/Hyper-vigilance (being watchful, on guard, hyper-alert)

– Often

6. How often have you experienced attempting to Flee (try to run away)

– Sometimes

7. How often have you experienced attempting to Fight (hit, kick, throw things, etc.)

– Often

8. How often have you experienced Fright/Tonic Immobility (frozen stiff, can’t move, deer in headlights feeling)

– Seldom

9. Which of the following bodily reactions have you had when experiencing a stressful NEGATIVE situation (such as walking alone at night, being bullied/threatened, getting lost in a new city, etc.)?

– Get goose bumps

– Palms get sweaty

– Heart beats faster

– Get an adrenaline rush

10. Which of the following bodily reactions have you had when experiencing a stressful POSITIVE situation (such as falling in love, getting married, the first day of school, etc.)?

– Get goose bumps

– Palms get sweaty

– Heart beats faster

– Get an adrenaline rush

11. Which NEGATIVE situations have prompted you to feel some type of flight or fight reaction (heart beats faster, want to flee, etc.)?

– Being in a dangerous or life-threatening situation

– Being lost or disoriented

– Protecting someone

– Combat

12. Which POSITIVE situations have prompted you to feel some type of flight or fight reaction (heart beats faster, want to flee, etc.)?

– Falling in love

– Suddenly seeing a person you have a big crush on

– Trying to have a serious conversation with a loved one (parent, spouse, child, etc.)

– Giving a speech

13. Have you EVER had a fight or flight reaction (heart beats faster, want to flee, etc.) simply because the triggering situation occurred at night? That is, you wouldn’t have had the fight or flight response if the situation happened during the daytime.

– Not Sure


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