Your Future Veteran Affair Paper

Colleague Diane

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Post an analysis of how you can apply new knowledge and skills related to research and evaluation, acquired in this course to your future career.

Dudley (2014) stated that programs and social work practice overlaps each other. Practice at times are under an implemented program that addresses social problems. Given the example of individual therapies with the application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy under a program to support mental health of people. With the gained knowledge from research and evaluation, I plan to indulge in utilizing the skills to improve my practice and ensure it is according to the standards of the social workers Code of Ethics. The National Association of Social Workers (2017) developed ethical approaches for social workers that ensures implemented practices are evaluated according to client’s needs.

Identify specific knowledge and strategies and how you intend to apply them. Identify those skills that you believe will be most applicable to achieving your future goals.

Among of the acquired knowledge I’ve gained that I will be applying to my future practice would be planning out an outcome evaluation. Outcome evaluation differs from process evaluation as outcome presents results of whether the program has achieved its goal in comparison to process evaluation where they provide the mechanics of evaluation and its purpose (Dudley, 2014). By organizing outcome evaluation it’ll help my practice by focusing on the program’s necessity and effectiveness to the population being served. The results from the evaluation will be determined through reliability and validity measurement tools that will be useful in presenting its outcome to stakeholders.


Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.

National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics of national association of social workers. Retrieved from

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Colleague Marla

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Analysis of How to Apply New Knowledge and Skills Related to Research & Evaluation

When working as a therapist in an outpatient clinic, it is vital to stay informed about clients’ needs and evidence-based interventions proven to be helpful for them. I will advocate for the assessment of ongoing clients’ needs within my agency, and implementation of best practices. Ongoing information will be gained through evaluations involving review of peer-reviewed journal articles and documentation of client progress; individual and group questionnaires; interviews; satisfaction surveys; face-to-face interviews; and outcomes assessment tools determined appropriate for the type of information sought at pre-treatment, regularly agreed-upon intervals throughout treatment, and post-treatment (termination, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months). Summative evaluations will help determine whether or not the intervention reached its goals by making an impact in the participants’ lives; and formative evaluations will help with planning a new program or improving an existing one (Dudley, 2014). Addressing client needs and providing best practices is essential for achieving future goals of being an effective clinician.


Dudley, J.R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.

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