Your HEXACO-PI-R Results

Your HEXACO-PI-R Results

Shown below are your scores on the six broad “factor” scales and the 25 narrow “facet” scales of the HEXACO-PI-R. (Each factor scale is listed in bold, with its four facet scales indented below it. An additional facet scale, Altruism, is related to several factors and is listed separately.)

Warning: Your results are very likely invalid due to inattentive responding.

Your Score Median Score (50th percentile) *

Middle 80% of Scores (10th to 90th percentiles) *

Honesty-Humility 2.75 3.22 2.41 – 3.97

Sincerity 3.25 3.25 2.13 – 4.25

Fairness 2.25 3.38 2.13 – 4.63

Greed-Avoidance 2.00 2.63 1.38 – 4.00

Modesty 3.50 3.63 2.50 – 4.50

Emotionality 3.25 3.34 2.63 – 3.97

Fearfulness 3.00 3.00 1.88 – 4.00

Anxiety 4.00 3.75 2.63 – 4.63

Dependence 3.00 3.25 2.00 – 4.25

Sentimentality 3.00 3.50 2.38 – 4.38

eXtraversion 2.81 3.50 2.72 – 4.22

Social Self-Esteem 2.75 4.00 3.00 – 4.63

Social Boldness 2.25 3.13 1.88 – 4.25

Sociability 3.50 3.63 2.50 – 4.50

Liveliness 2.75 3.63 2.50 – 4.50

Agreeableness 3.25 3.00 2.22 – 3.72

Forgivingness 2.75 2.75 1.75 – 3.88

Gentleness 3.25 3.25 2.25 – 4.13

Flexibility 3.25 2.75 1.75 – 3.75

Patience 3.75 3.25 2.00 – 4.38

Conscientiousness 2.56 3.47 2.72 – 4.16

Organization 2.75 3.38 2.13 – 4.38

Diligence 2.25 3.88 2.88 – 4.71

Perfectionism 2.25 3.63 2.38 – 4.38

Prudence 3.00 3.25 2.13 – 4.00

Openness to Experience 3.06 3.31 2.50 – 4.13

Aesthetic Appreciation 3.00 3.25 2.00 – 4.38

Inquisitiveness 3.25 3.13 1.88 – 4.38

Creativity 3.00 3.63 2.25 – 4.63

Unconventionality 3.00 3.38 2.63 – 4.25

Altruism 2.75 3.88 3.00 – 4.63

* from a university student sample.

Copyright © 2019 Kibeom Lee, Ph.D., & Michael C. Ashton, Ph.D. Please visit for more information about the HEXACO-PI-R.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the “percentile” numbers mean?

The percentiles indicate the percentage of respondents whose scores are below a given number. So, 10% of respondents are below the 10th

percentile, 50% of respondents are below the 50th percentile, and 90% of respondents are below the 90th percentile. The 50th percentile (or “median”) represents the typical or average respondent.

Where did these percentile results come from?

The percentiles are taken from large samples of Canadian university students (men and women) who provided self-reports while participating in academic research studies. These percentiles might not apply to samples from other populations.

What do each of these traits mean?

See the descriptions provided here.

Why are some traits given in bold, and why are others indented?

The traits given in bold are the six broad HEXACO personality factors. The four indented traits below each of these six are the narrower “facet”- level traits that belong to each factor. The remaining trait, Altruism, is a facet that is related to three of the broad factors (Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness).

Is a higher score better?

Not necessarily. People differ in their views about the “ideal” level of a given personality trait. Also, the decision to call one end of a personality trait the “high” end and the other end the “low” end is largely arbitrary. For example, we could have reversed the Extraversion dimension and called it Introversion, in which case people with “low” scores for Extraversion would have “high” scores for Introversion, and vice versa.

Am I really above/below average on [this trait]?

Not necessarily. First of all, one can never precisely “know” anyone’s level of a personality trait, which is a hypothetical entity.

Personality inventories are used to estimate a person’s level of a trait, by averaging out responses to many statements (or “items”) that are relevant to that trait. But if the trait were measured by a different set of items, a person’s score would likely be at least slightly different, and could even be much different. These differences would tend to be larger for the narrower traits (“facets”) of the HEXACO-PI-R, which here are measured by four items each; the broader traits (“factors”) are measured by 16 items each (i.e., four facets with four items each).

A person’s score will also differ depending on who provides responses about the person. A person’s own self-reports would likely be at least slightly different (and could be much different) from the reports provided about that person by his or her spouse or family member or close friend. It isn’t always obvious whose responses would give the more accurate description of the person.

What should I conclude from my results?

Your profile of results is meant to give you some insight into your basic personality dispositions. But you shouldn’t overinterpret your results or treat them as a kind of “prophecy” for your future. If you’re disappointed with your score for a certain trait, you can still try to change some of your attitudes and behaviors related to that trait, and you can still find ways to make your level of this trait less of a problem for you (or for others).

How can I learn more about trait theory and personality psychology?

We’d suggest our books. (You don’t have to buy them – you could borrow them from a library!) Individual Differences and Personality is a textbook for university students, and gives a systematic introduction to the field. The H Factor of Personality is aimed at the general reader, and describes our own research with explanations about the field more generally.

Can I make a small donation to support the website and academic research about personality?

You certainly don’t have to, but if you’d like to make a small donation, please feel free to do so at

Copyright © 2019 Kibeom Lee, Ph.D., & Michael C. Ashton, Ph.D. Please visit for more information about the HEXACO-PI-R.


Scale Descriptions

Domain-Level Scales

Honesty-Humility: Persons with very high scores on the Honesty-Humility scale avoid manipulating others for personal gain, feel little temptation to break rules, are uninterested in lavish wealth and luxuries, and feel no special entitlement to elevated social status. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale will flatter others to get what they want, are inclined to break rules for personal profit, are motivated by material gain, and feel a strong sense of self-importance.

Emotionality: Persons with very high scores on the Emotionality scale experience fear of physical dangers, experience anxiety in response to life’s stresses, feel a need for emotional support from others, and feel empathy and sentimental attachments with others. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale are not deterred by the prospect of physical harm, feel little worry even in stressful situations, have little need to share their concerns with others, and feel emotionally detached from others.

eXtraversion: Persons with very high scores on the Extraversion scale feel positively about themselves, feel confident when leading or addressing groups of people, enjoy social gatherings and interactions, and experience positive feelings of enthusiasm and energy. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale consider themselves unpopular, feel awkward when they are the center of social attention, are indifferent to social activities, and feel less lively and optimistic than others do.

Agreeableness (versus Anger): Persons with very high scores on the Agreeableness scale forgive the wrongs that they suffered, are lenient in judging others, are willing to compromise and cooperate with others, and can easily control their temper. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale hold grudges against those who have harmed them, are rather critical of others’ shortcomings, are stubborn in defending their point of view, and feel anger readily in response to mistreatment.

Conscientiousness: Persons with very high scores on the Conscientiousness scale organize their time and their physical surroundings, work in a disciplined way toward their goals, strive for accuracy and perfection in their tasks, and deliberate carefully when making decisions. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale tend to be unconcerned with orderly surroundings or schedules, avoid difficult tasks or challenging goals, are satisfied with work that contains some errors, and make decisions on impulse or with little reflection.

Openness to Experience: Persons with very high scores on the Openness to Experience scale become absorbed in the beauty of art and nature, are inquisitive about various domains of knowledge, use their imagination freely in everyday life, and take an interest in unusual ideas or people. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale are rather unimpressed by most works of art, feel little intellectual curiosity, avoid creative pursuits, and feel little attraction toward ideas that may seem radical or unconventional.

Facet-Level Scales

Honesty-Humility Domain

The Sincerity scale assesses a tendency to be genuine in interpersonal relations. Low scorers will flatter others or pretend to like them in order to obtain favors, whereas high scorers are unwilling to manipulate others.

The Fairness scale assesses a tendency to avoid fraud and corruption. Low scorers are willing to gain by cheating or stealing, whereas high scorers are unwilling to take advantage of other individuals or of society at large.

The Greed Avoidance scale assesses a tendency to be uninterested in possessing lavish wealth, luxury goods, and signs of high social status. Low scorers want to enjoy and to display wealth and privilege, whereas high scorers are not especially motivated by monetary or social-status considerations.

The Modesty scale assesses a tendency to be modest and unassuming. Low…

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