Assignment: Covalent Bonding

Assignment: Covalent Bonding

Assignment: Covalent Bonding

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MATCHING SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Read all instructions carefully. Please answer all questions. Each question is worth 1 point. This Matching section is worth 10 points.

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**Do not enter your answers here.** Type in the letter you select from the right column as the best answer on the Answer Sheet provided by your instructor.

Term or Concept

1. Water molecule

2. Carbon

3. Homeostasis

4. Ionic Bonding

5. Covalent Bonding

6. Carbohydrate

7. Enzyme

8. Acid

9. Base

10. Lipid


A. energy source

B. two atoms sharing electrons

C. electron donated/received

D. hydrophobic

E. element found in all living organisms

F. catalyst

G. OH-> H+

H. polar

I. characteristic of all living organisms

J. H+ > OH-


MATCHING SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Read all instructions carefully. Please answer all questions. Each question is worth 1 point. This Matching section is worth 10 points.

Term or Concept

1. Ribosome

2. Mitochondria

3. Nucleus

4. Golgi apparatus

5. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

6. Membrane

7. Cell Wall

8. Lysosome

9. Chloroplast

10. Cilia

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Definition or Association

A. packaging and transport

B. digestion

C. genetic material storage

D. protein assembly

E. structural support

F. lipid production

G. glucose breakdown

H. movement

I. oxygen production

J. contain transport proteins and receptors


ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS (OUT OF 4) FROM THIS SECTION. Each question is worth 10 points. Total points for this section is 20 points.

Each answer should be roughly half a page long. Answers will be graded for accuracy and completeness, as well as spelling and grammar.

**Do not enter your answers here** Type your answers into the Answer Sheet provided by your instructor.

1. At the beginning of the spring, Dr. Allan notices that there is an equal distribution of yellow and blue butterflies in the vacant lot across the street from his house as well as in his own backyard. Several of the shrubs and flowers in the area are also yellow. By the end of the summer he notes that there are mostly yellow butterflies around with very few blue ones. These observations are examples of what biological principle? Develop a hypothesis to explain Dr. Allan’s observations.

2. You are analyzing the ingredients in a new hot dog that is going to be put on the market soon. A) Explain the biological function of these natural chemicals that you might find in a hot dog: protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins.

B) Would it be healthier to eat a hot dog that contains mainly saturated fat, or one that contains mainly unsaturated fat? Explain your answer

3. Explain the difference between, and give an example of: mutualism, parasitism and competition

4. Explain the differences and similarities between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.

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Complete 2 out of 5 questions in this Essay Section

INSTRUCTIONS: Each question is worth 20 points. Total points for this section is 40 points.

**Do not enter your answers here.** Type your answers into the Answer Sheet provided by your instructor.

1. Give a specific example of how humans are damaging the environment. Explain how this environmental damage could be reduced or eliminated.

2. Humans share 98% of their genes with chimpanzees, 90% with mice, 50% with fruit flies, and 37% with celery. Please explain the evolutionary significance of these data. Why do you think that many studies of the possible toxicity of new drugs are done on mice?

3. The habitat of one species of tropical fish is red coral reefs. The large majority of the fish in this population are red. A few individual fish carry a mutation that prevents the production of the red pigment; as a result these individual fish are white. The temperature of the ocean where these fish live gets warmer and warmer over a 10 year period, and as a result the coral is bleached and turns white. Use what you have learned about natural selection to explain how this bleaching event may have affected the evolution this fish population (not including possible direct effects of warmer temperatures on the fish). Include the following terms in your explanation: differential reproduction, beneficial trait, allele frequency, selection pressure, evolution.

4. Use what you have learned about energy transfer in food chains and the second law of thermodynamics to explain why it is an environmentally good choice to eat a plant based diet. Include the following terms in your answer: producer, herbivore, omnivore, trophic level, resources and energy.

5. If researchers establish that Myrothecium verrucaria is an effective biological control agent against kudzu, they must then demonstrate that the pathogen will not harm desirable species such as soybeans (a close relative to kudzu). Describe an experiment that could fulfill this purpose, including all steps of the scientific method. Identify control(s), dependent and independent variables

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